Cerrone gave up after first strike

Cerrone gave up after the first shoulder strike. How the hell did he not move after the first strike? He just froze and let Conor bust him in the face. Wtf? 

The supposed legend that he is, talking that hes to big and strong for conor and to lose the way he did, just give up. He just came for the paycheck and thats that. Shameful.


In the BT interview just before the fight, Conor’s Coach John Kavanagh said (as he said in other interview) they moved to a “systems” based training approach to building Conor’s game. He said they weren’t planning on any particular outcome at any particular time in the fight.

But he also said: “I can tell you that our systems is going to be heavy, consistent pressure from the bell. We will not give Donald a breath. We will not let him in to the fight at any stage.”

Mission accomplished.

MajklNajt -

Cerrone gave up after the first shoulder strike. How the hell did he not move after the first strike? He just froze and let Conor bust him in the face. Wtf? 

The supposed legend that he is, talking that hes to big and strong for conor and to lose the way he did, just give up. He just came for the paycheck and thats that. Shameful.

Cerrone couldn't just move out of the way. Understand what you are watching. Conor had him locked up in a bicep tie, controlling Cerrone's other arm in the instep of his bicep, and keeping him upright with great head positioning. When people use that talking point it shows that they know nothing about fighting. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a Khabib fan. Khabib fanboys know nothing about fighting 


 Actual training footage of Cowboy's preperation leading up to the fight:



ConorWinsTheRematch -
MajklNajt -

Cerrone gave up after the first shoulder strike. How the hell did he not move after the first strike? He just froze and let Conor bust him in the face. Wtf? 

The supposed legend that he is, talking that hes to big and strong for conor and to lose the way he did, just give up. He just came for the paycheck and thats that. Shameful.

Cerrone couldn't just move out of the way. Understand what you are watching. Conor had him locked up in a bicep tie, controlling Cerrone's other arm in the instep of his bicep, and keeping him upright with great head positioning. When people use that talking point it shows that they know nothing about fighting. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a Khabib fan. Khabib fanboys know nothing about fighting 

Dont be smart on me. You're saying that Cerrone couldnt move his head or do anything else?

It bothers me that Cerrone after all the talking and experiences that he has, he just gave up. 

Nytron -

 Actual training footage of Cowboy's preperation leading up to the fight:



100% correct.

MajklNajt -
ConorWinsTheRematch -
MajklNajt -

Cerrone gave up after the first shoulder strike. How the hell did he not move after the first strike? He just froze and let Conor bust him in the face. Wtf? 

The supposed legend that he is, talking that hes to big and strong for conor and to lose the way he did, just give up. He just came for the paycheck and thats that. Shameful.

Cerrone couldn't just move out of the way. Understand what you are watching. Conor had him locked up in a bicep tie, controlling Cerrone's other arm in the instep of his bicep, and keeping him upright with great head positioning. When people use that talking point it shows that they know nothing about fighting. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a Khabib fan. Khabib fanboys know nothing about fighting 

Dont be smart on me. You're saying that Cerrone couldnt move his head or do anything else?

It bothers me that Cerrone after all the talking and experiences that he has, he just gave up. 

Conor had his head under Cerrone's chin/to his left shoulder, keeping him there and keeping him upright (while controlling his arms). Control then space to drive his shoulders forward into Cerrone. Conor is absolutely the best clinch fighter in the UFC the way he controls and always fights the hands. You have no idea what you're watching.. To even suggest that cowboy gave up is such disrespect to Cowboy. I bet cowboy would slap you. He simply ran into a special fighter in Conor

Nytron -

 Actual training footage of Cowboy's preperation leading up to the fight:



I wonder what happened, they gave this goat tranquilizers that kicked in during the flight?

1 Like
touch -
Nytron -

 Actual training footage of Cowboy's preperation leading up to the fight:



I wonder what happened, they gave this goat tranquilizers that kicked in during the flight?

Goats have a fainting response when they are scared. 


It's really funny when there's a large group of them and they all faint at once!

Legalize It -
touch -
Nytron -

 Actual training footage of Cowboy's preperation leading up to the fight:



I wonder what happened, they gave this goat tranquilizers that kicked in during the flight?

Goats have a fainting response when they are scared. 


It's really funny when there's a large group of them and they all faint at once!

Every day is a lesson. Thanks! 

1 Like

That's the second time I learn something new about goats on the UG. The first time was here


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Fainting goats are the best

MajklNajt -

Cerrone gave up after the first shoulder strike. How the hell did he not move after the first strike? He just froze and let Conor bust him in the face. Wtf? 

The supposed legend that he is, talking that hes to big and strong for conor and to lose the way he did, just give up. He just came for the paycheck and thats that. Shameful.

Great just what this forum needs: another faggot

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Why didn't Cowboy side step the strike?

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GroundStPound -

Why didn't Cowboy side step the strike?

Fixed fight or unforced mental error. Take your pick. I tend to believe the latter.

In any case, at the time of writing this very post, Conor hasn't won a fight since 2016.

1 Like

Red head in goat vid gets it.

James Franco -

Red head in goat vid gets it.

Meh I'll take the goat, it's already out cold

Cowboy got clanged in the first exchange with a knee to the face. That froze him up. 

Nytron -
GroundStPound -

Why didn't Cowboy side step the strike?

Fixed fight or unforced mental error. Take your pick. I tend to believe the latter.

In any case, at the time of writing this very post, Conor hasn't won a fight since 2016.

Easy there, Mr. stats. 

You say Conor hadn't won a fight since 2016...... How many fights did he have during that period?

1 boxing match. 


Here's a stat for ya, Conor has finished 93% of his wins.