Cerrone gave up after first strike

Not totally suprised by the result, i thought Conor had a good chance of catching him early but was suprised a guy as experienced as Cowboy would be caught with no answer for repeated shoulder strikes. As someone mentioned he attemped zero offense. No elbows or uppercuts in respones to shoulder strikes, no front kicks to keep Conor off him. Poor performance by Cerrone, props to Conor for a stunning preformance.

Malvert the Janitor -

I wish about 3/4 of the forum would suddenly die of massive strokes 

I'm sure you do after the stupid shit you said pre fight and then having to gag on that performance. I, on the other hand, told you exactly what was going to happen and have nothing but love and respect for about 3/4 of the forum. 

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Cowboy did kick Conor after the shoulder strikes. Conor fired back with the headkick. After that, Cowboy checked out and turtled up. He's done it before.

This was not a fix. It was a very motivated Conor against a guy on a two-fight losing streak with a lot of fight mileage on him and who is known for crumbling in the big show.

Angry Ram -

He was scared to death 

Shut up you're not allowed to post again before you post a pic of your Roxy butthole tattoo

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Honestly looked like a Bob Sapp fight.



Thuggnificent -

After ducking the haymaker Cowboy already had level change and High-C for a take down, and could have easily followed through with a single leg but its like he remembers he's not supposed to take it to the ground so he pulls his arm back from an advantages position and just stands there instead. If not scripted then he was at least paid not to grapple, also explains why he doesn't attempt anything in the clinch and just looks lost like he missed his spot.

Its not out of line to suspect the UFC would pressure a fighter (hint at cash incentive) not to attempt a take down or keep the fight standing, thats exacly what Seth Petruzeli said Elite XC pulled in his Kimbo fight:  "The promoters kind of hinted to me and they gave me the money to stand and trade with him. They didn’t want me to take him down, let’s just put it that way. It was worth my while to try to stand up and punch with him."

We are talking about the same company who hands out interim titles on a whim, pushes a bout against Dennis Siver as a valid title shot eliminator,  and now has 155lb contenders fight at 170 because Conor wants it; there is already fuckery afoot. 

The grappling was there to be had, Conor literally dove in, and just like you said mid takedown and then just kills the attempt by backing off and doing nothing. Cerrone threw that fight… paid dive. 

The fakest fight in the UFC I have EVER seen. It was so fake, like blatantly fake as hell! I can't believe there's anyone who believes that was a REAL Cerrone fight. He suddenly has no reflexes, and his nature to fire back when hit is suddenly repressed? He almost forgot he wasn't supposed to go for a takedown, and you can see his unnatural pullback mid takedown attempt. Became extremely docile right after and stopped making any effort. His natural instinct almost fucked up the fix. Even at the end Conor leaves his leg there on the mat to be had to initiate a grappling situation if Cowboy wanted to, and Cowboy instead goes against everything he has stood for so far in his career, turns his face and quits. Ref is extremely generous with the "show me something, react fighter, defend yourself" and Cowboy is basically begging him to stop the fight. That's not the Cowboy I became a fan of. We'll see Cowboy suddenly return to form in his next one. Never before and never again will we watch a Cowboy fight where he refuses to strike or grapple. This dude was telling us he was throwing the fight the whole month. When a man goes into a fight self limiting his chances to win, that tells you his motive is not to win. What was his motive then? MONEY. PAID OFF DIVE. Conor needed that win for Big Business to continue. It was worth the investment on their part. 



I said this in another thread (one I started):


The shoulder strikes are unexpected and unorthodox.  Cowboy was comfortable in the clinch-esque position, and felt he could be cool there for a moment as he had contact with Conor's weapons.  When the shoulder strikes came, he had no reflex to that as he had not trained for it.


He "gave up" when the shoulder strikes broke his nose and rocked him.  Once the nose is broken it is hard to see a way to win, particularly when it occurs in the first seconds of the fight.


@CONORWINSTHEREMATCH...I will save you the trouble and type out your response for you.


"You fucking moron! You know nothing about fighting!  Conor already beat Cowby by mental telepathy during the fighter introductions!  Conor does everything perfectly!  There is no point in even discussing Conor's fights because he could not have done anything better! You are a fucking fag!"

lamedroid -
Malvert the Janitor -

I wish about 3/4 of the forum would suddenly die of massive strokes 


1 of the things I love about this forum. You can usually  say whatever the fuck you want

no you can't


someone made a thread about an mma journalist stating that he has inside info that coker was fixing fights even back in strikeforce, and it was deleted real quick


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that is fucking insane, how thaw fuck? is that computer generated.

ShootProod -
Nytron -
GroundStPound -

Why didn't Cowboy side step the strike?

Fixed fight or unforced mental error. Take your pick. I tend to believe the latter.

In any case, at the time of writing this very post, Conor hasn't won a fight since 2016.

Easy there, Mr. stats. 

You say Conor hadn't won a fight since 2016...... How many fights did he have during that period?

1 boxing match. 


Here's a stat for ya, Conor has finished 93% of his wins. 


And 100% finish rate of his loses 

Wow a lot of talk around here. Lots of disrespect to Donald (Cowboy) Cerrone around here. Wtf? After all the blood that he has spilled in the cage, his and his opponents ? 

A bunch of clowns who have never fought before and are acting like he quit.  Even if he were pussified enough to quit, he’s sure fucking smart enough not to.  It’s obvious that Conor didn’t come to fuck around. If Cowboy were to quit he would get his ass pounded. He knows better.  He didn’t quit. He would never quit. He’s just a slow starter who needs to get cracked before he gets going.  There are a lot of fighters like that. They just start slow.

Cowboy is unfortunately a slow starter. And Conor capitalized on this. Conor is just a younger, better fighter and it was obvious on this night.

I suspect that Conor has matured as a man and a fighter. I also suspect that there is a giant problem for the 170 and 155 divisions coming.

I guess that we have to stay tuned 

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bakobell -

Cowboy got clanged in the first exchange with a knee to the face. That froze him up. 



I'm the FIRST guy in line to call bullshit on all the Bellator fixed/fake fights.  But Cowboy-Conor wasn't that.  It's clear as day Cowboy got stunned a bit by that knee/thigh... and then REALLY stunned by that shoulder butt.


It's really easy to tell who has in-ring experience around here.  Every idiot just can't wait to tell you.

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jgiveshead -
bakobell -

Cowboy got clanged in the first exchange with a knee to the face. That froze him up. 



I'm the FIRST guy in line to call bullshit on all the Bellator fixed/fake fights.  But Cowboy-Conor wasn't that.  It's clear as day Cowboy got stunned a bit by that knee/thigh... and then REALLY stunned by that shoulder butt.


It's really easy to tell who has in-ring experience around here.  Every idiot just can't wait to tell you.

FYI: not a Conor fan or a Cowboy fan.

Cowboy has 35 fights in the UFC.  That's a lot of miles.  You don't think he could be stunned by a knee/thigh when both him and Conor were coming forward hard?  Even guys like Hendo, Shogun and Vitor could be shut down by an early strike later in their careers.


Also, does anyone think Cowboy saw those shoulder butts coming?  They say the ones that knock you out are the ones you don't see coming.


Put your hand up if you think shoulder butts should be put in the same category as foot stomps.  Last year it was calf kicks.  This year it's going to be shoulder butts.  Effective technique that no one uses yet.

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What do these guys have in common? They are all very tough experiened guys but when they fought conor he made them look mediocre.

To me it looked like it was very clear that cerrone was not going to take this fight to the ground... He had a brief chance at a takedown and looked lost in the clinch.... In no way does this mean it was fixed as it could have just been cerrones own want to stand with Connor.... But common now cerrone didn't go into that fight to win, he went it to make money... An absolutely disgraceful matchup for the ufc to make... And somehow this makes Connor ready for khabib after beating a fighter coming off 2 tkos who is no 2-8 in his last ten fights ahahah such a joke. Only malvert and Connorwinstherematch (same person) is dillusional enough to think this is valid

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