Chick whoops dude in brazil "MMA" fight

Everyone with at least half a brain knows that was a "worked" fight.

Lol at ebersole Phone Post

Lol @ buttercup!

Hate420 - 
Dongbar13 - 
Hate420 - Old vid is old.

 useless comment is useless

Doesn't make the video any newer buttercup.
It does make you a dumb dildo though. Too dumb to get that new people sign up every day and old members don't click on every thread. Enjoy your VTFD, buttercup.


 That was some sweet ass shit :)

lol at people that think this vid isn't a work.

lol at the "12-6 elbows". they were so pulled they probably actually cost her more energy to throw than they did damage to dude.

ausgepicht - 
Hate420 - 
Dongbar13 - 
Hate420 - Old vid is old.

 useless comment is useless

Doesn't make the video any newer buttercup.
It does make you a dumb dildo though. Too dumb to get that new people sign up every day and old members don't click on every thread. Enjoy your VTFD, buttercup.

u mad @ the sensitive members here


Dongbar13 -  lol
Lulz, indeed! Now he mad!


Hah, that perfectly sums up the "u mad?" reply.

Diello - Hah, that perfectly sums up the "u mad?" reply.
It's jumped the shark in 2009, but shh.....let Hate420 keep thinking he's original and cutting edge!


Never said I was original cupcake,just thought it was funny you got all bent out of shape and sensitive over a 4 line carry on with your presumptions sally.

Yeah thats why his face was busted up at the end, total work. Sure maybe he had some standup, seems like she knew that and took it down where he had no skill.

Hate420 - Never said I was original cupcake,just thought it was funny you got all bent out of shape and sensitive over a 4 line carry on with your presumptions sally.
U mad, bro?


ausgepicht - 
Hate420 - Never said I was original cupcake,just thought it was funny you got all bent out of shape and sensitive over a 4 line carry on with your presumptions sally.
U mad, bro?


 stop feeding this troll. his SN says more about his character than you ever could lol

Hate420 - Never said I was original cupcake,just thought it was funny you got all bent out of shape and sensitive over a 4 line carry on with your presumptions sally.

Bro, u mad?

no im sensitive like ausgepicht