Chris Brennan's Old Thread on UG?

12- The girls didn't show up when I was in the police car they showed up when I walked out of OC Jail and there were 4 all together waiting for me on my left and my mom on my right.  I ran right... :)

PS. I didn't start a lot of shit I just didn't take ANY

"12- The girls didn't show up when I was in the police car they showed up when I walked out of OC Jail and there were 4 all together waiting for me on my left and my mom on my right. I ran right... :)"

thats the one ,lmao when i heard the story.timing is everything.

"PS. I didn't start a lot of shit I just didn't take ANY"

thats a better way to put it,i wasnt there.

Very true really.

westside strangler sounds like trouble to me.

That guy deserved the ass beating. im surprized they didnt soccer kick him in the head, wish i was there to do it

seminar in Erie 12/09 ?




Yes sir Seminar in Erie

Hi Bao and Lonnie

Why does it say Black Belt in "Gracie" Jiu-Jitsu?

You're going to have to kick your own ass now, Chris! j.k.

Dear Chris Brennan,

I wish I had the balls to man up now and then and not take shit from people. I mean, when Im at home practicing in my mirror or talking on internet forums I am a big, BIG, BIIIGGG man, but out in the real world Im a fraidy cat.

So, asside from slamming people who have lived good and full lives on the internet, how else can I big myself up to feel good?


LOL!  There are plenty of them on that thread about Muricio.  Him and I were the dynamic duo.  We had some GNARLY fights.  I have one great one about him I will look back and see if it's on there and if it's not I'll tell it.

When he was in the miors maybe he would have.  Eitherway I never claimed to be AROD

But now you know I would :)



"im surprized they didnt soccer kick him in the head, wish i was there to do it."

Kicking someone in the head is attempted murder. A little overdramatic, don't you think?

Yeah kicking someone in the head is assault with a deadly weapon, sometimes attempted murder, this isn't the case if you are barefoot though...something to think about for any of the youngsters here who get in street fights

Agreed TFM,

Even if it doesn't fit the legal definition, if you kick someone in the head when they are down you are trying to kill them, plain and simple.

If you don't want to kill someone, don't kick them in the head. That's a good formula to follow so you don't end up in a jail cell or murdered in retribution for something stupid you have done.

How am I a dumb fuck for not knowing that Bao used to train with Chris? Am I supposed to have a history and character profile on everyone on the forum?

Besides it's not like people don't say shit like that on here on a regular basis and mean it. If the message wasn't for Bao (since it was a joke) then maybe someone else will hear it.

New2MMA, you should kick yourself in the face, whats up chris, hope your doing well