Chris Brennan's Old Thread on UG?

i like pride soccer kicks to the head by the way, im glad for offending anyone if i did, and im not gonna appologize to you sensitive internet people.

I keep up this yoga shit I might be able to do that very thing.

Chris, when's your new DVD series come out? Looking forward to seeing and reviewing it. Still learning from your last one and referring to it often.

It's ok Bao... if you're not allowed to kick him in the head then I will... ;-)

if you do, he will die, so make sure you do it

LOL!  What happeend to this thread?  I have kicked MANY a people in the head.  So is Wand, Shogun, and the rest of the Pride fighters attempted killers?  Should they all be in Jail (don't answer that).  Anyway from all the people I tried to kill by kicking in the head none died... I suck at everything damn it...

yoga, my friends... yoga.