Chuck Liddell does........


Keep reading stupid comment's like the following all over the forum

"Both of them have devastating ko weapons. Chuck has the edge with punching and CroCop has the edge with kicking."

What are you morons actually seeing when you watch these fighters fight?

Chuck is a great fighter one of top 5 LHW's in the world, but he aint in the same league as Cro Cop. Come on guys get a grip.

I completely agree.

Chuck does very well against wrestlers, but he will have problems with skilled strikers.

Bisping I think has the best chance to take him out.

lol @ Bisping. I would like to hear how you have come to the conclusion that Bisping has the best chance to beat Chuck. What exactly has Bisping done to get catapulted to such fame?

Chuck has Beaten

Randy Couture x 2

Tito Ortiz

Vitor Belfort

Babalu x 2

Jeremy Horn

Alistar Overeem

Kevin randleman

Murilo Bustamante

Guy Mezger

Quite a fucking resume. What has Bisping done lets see

Josh Haynes

Ross Pointon

Jakob Lovstad (who? exactly)

Miika Memit(who? exactly)

So please fucking tell me how you have drawn the conclusion that Bisping will be the one with the best chance to take out Lidell. I fucking beg you

"Both of them have devastating ko weapons. Chuck has the edge with punching and CroCop has the edge with kicking."

Well. I guess I'm a moron. Chuck Liddell has better hands than Cro-Cop. I'm not talking about "technical" stand-up. But power.

Cro-Cop has way better feet. Technial and power wise. No one hits harder than Chuck Liddell in MMA, And no one kicks harder than Cro-Cop in the world.

I'm not saying "Who would kick who's ass". Just as KO power goes.

"Well. I guess I'm a moron. Chuck Liddell has better hands than Cro-Cop. I'm not talking about "technical" stand-up. But power."

Why because he's KO'in LHW grapplers? The is zero evidence to suggest Liddel has more power than CC.

I would really like to see the UFC put Chuck in against a good striker because he really hasn't been tested in the stand up. All the guys he's faced recently have only had a chance if they could take him down and they couldn't.

Chuck vs Cro-cop would be very exciting because although technically Chuck would be seriously out gunned his iron chin would keep him in the fight. Also his power could bring him back into the fight even if he was getting beaten down. Its the same reason the Cro-cop Wanderlie fight was interesting, if Wanderlie had landed it would have completly changed the course of the fight.

Crocop could knock guys like Couture, Tito, and Babalu with punches if he was fighting them, get real. Look what he did to Mark Coleman, or Bob Sapp. The guy is punching guys who generally weigh 230 plus, so of course his punches are not gonna have the same effect they would if he was punching guys Liddel's size.

Chuck does have more 1 punch KO power in his hands. However Mirko would make him look like a beginner in his first sparring class. Have you seen Bang versus Shad Smith? Thats how it would look like

"Well. I guess I'm a moron. Chuck Liddell has better hands than Cro-Cop. I'm not talking about "technical" stand-up. But power."

so having more punching power means having better hands????

I have no doubt that crocop will beat liddell in boxing match. crocop has way faster hands, better boxing technique, better reflex, better defence, better movement, and i dont think there's too much diff in power. only edge chuck has is his chin

Bisping is tecnically a very good striker.
Chuck wont try and take him down so therefore anyone with good striking has a shot at winning a decision against chuck!
Chucks fight against Amar Sulouev is proof of this IMO.
I am a big fan of chucks but most of his big wins have come against guys who have had average standup and have been trying to take the fight to the matt to give themse3lves a chance of winning!!
I would give Bisping a better chance of beating chuck than i would have given Sobral!

If Chuck fought Amar today. It wouldn't even look nearly like the same fight.

Beating Overeem, Belfort, Sulouev And Mezger. Those are all High Quality MMA strikers.

Liddell has became a monster. His prime won't last much longer, so the sooner he fights W.Silva the better.

"Beating Overeem, Belfort, Sulouev And Mezger. Those are all High Quality MMA strikers."

Thats because striking in MMA is pathetic. It consists of a bunch of flailing grapplers and C level strikers with half decent grappling. Mezger is nothing more than a tkd guy who fought shiny pants kickboxing. Overeem never fought beyond B class in Holland in thaiboxing. Belfort was obliterated when he tried out for the amazing brazilian olympic team that is top 200 in the world lol.

seriously Crocop would use Chuck as a thaibag.

"Bisping is tecnically a very good striker."

based on what? Him beating several B and C level fighters, or him sparring, hitting pads, etc.

From: DanaWhite@Zuffa

Date: 10/06/06 07:22 AM
Member Since: 01/01/2001
218 Total Posts Ignore User

*I'm willing to put $10k of my own money on Chuck if this fight were to transpire.

Hint. Hint.*

This would be a huge fight. Huge. Aside from the logistics of where they would fight (HW, LHW???) I think this would be an all out war between two of the best strikers in all of MMA.

The only question would be, who's going to get caught??? Given both have the proverbial puncher's chance, it's just a matter of who get's the big shot through to the chin.

"I'm willing to put $10k of my own money on Chuck if this fight were to transpire."

Save the money and put it towards scooping up Rampage instead.

From: DanaWhite@Zuffa

Date: 10/06/06 07:22 AM
Member Since: 01/01/2001
218 Total Posts

I'm willing to put $10k of my own money on Chuck if this fight were to transpire.
Hint. Hint.

Please do it to shut these Chuck haters up. I don't know why Chuck never gets his due respect here. Chuck is a great Champ! But you all talk like Chuck is just a B-level amateur boxer.
This fight would be no easy task for either fighter.

Guy and Vitor have good standup.

^^^from what i've read before, lots of wrestlers do this. I don't remember the reasoning though.

Theres no doubt about Chuck's KO power and uncanny ability to catch people right on the button but CroCop is breaking people's facial bones. How many eye sockets has he broken already? Put Josh Barnett on queer street with a punch to the body.

Liddell broke Vernon's eye socket.