chuck liddell multiple ko story

"I've been in and seen enough "streetfights" to know that if 4 guys jump on a dude he's not gonna KO 3 of them and the fourth run away. That's just dumb. "

So haven't I and I have seen it Time and again.

Shit, there was a Video circulating a few Weeks ago about a Boxer that fought 2 Guys in a Russian Park for hitting his Girlfriend. He was banging those Guys up bad.

So much for your Theory. Kind of hard to refute Video.

Myopia much?

Here's the Russian throwing down. If he would have had Chuck's Power and Size it would have ended even worse.

Bluenamer please:

wgo said chuck ko'd 3 of lee's mates ? in manchester ? sincorrect my friend ... i'd bet my house that chuck could ko 3 untrained dudes ... easily

"none of the videos you've shown are new to anyone or prove anything Sac."

Oh I know. Just bored at work :)

"Just cause you're a pussy doesn't mean everyone else is."

Bingo. I would have said it a bit nicer though. I think he suffers from a bad case of Myopia that's all.

Did that Idiot actually punch the other Idiot on the Forehead? Can you say Pins in the Hand?

"One you WANT to believe."

clicks Heels 3x

There's no Place like Home!!


"they would clear it up and if they used the mace they would have a real riot on their hand"

HAHAHAHAH yeah right. If you said that to the police you end up with a batton up your arse!

I can envision shit starting to go down, maybe one guy bumped or pushed or swung on Chuck...Chuck takes his watch off with a smirk...then Chuck just starts laying out anybody he doesn't know or perceives as an enemy, no questions asked. Depending on the number of people around, etc. I think Chuck could dispose of several dudes real quick in that scenario.