Clean snacks

SandraBullockFan - 
ArthurKnoqOut - 
SandraBullockFan - questbars are the best protein bars I've ever had. if you can get them on sale they can't be beat

nothing clean about them, however. It's processed crap made out of the cheapest ingredients including "fake" fiber and "natural" flavors.

hahaha those fuckers and their fake advertising. well thanks for saving me money. VU

haha thanks dude. You should always read the ingredients and if it's something you're not familiar with simply google it :)

Mixed nuts: almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, walnuts. Phone Post 3.0

Raspberry or strawberry greek yogurt with almond butter and granola.

actually you want full fat yogurts - the "no fat" either taste like assholes or have a ton of sugar/artificial sweeteners in them.

Get your fat free Greek yoghurt

Has to be frozen fruit
I use blueberrys, a good handful

Hand blend till smooth

Low calorie blueberry ice cream

Can do with any fruit Phone Post 3.0

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sub Phone Post 3.0

Pessimist_Pete - Protein pancakes with Greek yogurt instead of syrup.

Protein pancakes = egg whites, oatmeal, and protein powder, sometimes add half banana Phone Post 3.0
If low carb/avoiding grains:

pancakes: eggs, almond butter, mashed bananas. Mix to batter consistency - cook like normal pancakes. Phone Post 3.0

Here's something I love:

PB protein snacks

Mix peanut butter with your favorite protein powder and sweetener (I prefer honey)

Form into balls and place on a tray with parchment paper.

Pop in freezer.

Enjoy responsibly. Phone Post 3.0

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Oh btw may need to add water to mix. Phone Post 3.0

Lol at people thinking whey is clean

It's a processed fast food Phone Post 3.0

ISawSilva'sBONEr - Lol at people thinking whey is clean

It's a processed fast food Phone Post 3.0

to be fair it depends on the whey. There's some high quality grass fed (not finished) whey high in CLA and then there is the GNC generic whey, but all in all, all protein powder is technically processed just some more than others.

I don't disagree with the gist though!

Btw I fucken hate the term clean. Can we not change it to quality or something. Phone Post 3.0

it's very generic, you're right. it's also not black and white, or clean/dirty. There are levels; bad, decent, okay, better, good, best approach works well

In Phone Post 3.0

I wash everything before I eat it... Phone Post 3.0

In Phone Post 3.0

In Phone Post 3.0

Kevin was legit but damn i cringe every time i see that guillotine cro cop got him in Phone Post

In. Phone Post 3.0

Simple Pancakes

1 whole egg. 1 whole banana. MASH the banana with the back of a fork (blending will make them difficult to flip). Fry on both sides in coconut oil.

Bonus: Add an extra egg and a scoop of protein powder to boost macros

Serving suggestions: slather that bitch in Almond Butter

Protein Coffee Cup Cake

Scoop of whey, 1 whole egg , TBSP Oil, 2 TBSP Almond milk

Put in a mug. Mix. Microwave for 50 seconds (or until rising) for a gooey protein cake Phone Post 3.0