Congrats 10th Planet Promotees!!!!

Congrats to everyone that was promoted tonight! I'm gonna try to remember everybody - don't hurt me if I don't! ;)

Congrats to Brent, Pitdog and Doty for receiving their purple belts!

Congrats to 'kashelaaaaan' (I don't know how you spell that!) for earning his blue!

I swear I thought there was one's been a long day.

Anyway, good job guys!!!!

10th planet has belts?

I thought they had t-shirts?

Yep, we have belts for ceremonial purpose, and we can wear colored t-shirts if we want...



Does that mean that beginners aren't allowed to wear black t-shirts?



ttt congrats to all!


So white belts have to wear white shirts to every practice?

Anyways, congrats to everyone who was promoted!

No, we wear whatever we want, everybody wears different stuff - we have the option of wearing a colored shirt with the 10th Planet logo on it if we want.

thanks ring girl. 

i slept with my purple belt on last night.  i am still in shock


lol - I know, you guys were pretty funny. I didn't think pitdog was even going to put his down to roll!


Congratulations, man! You must be a terror on the mats now. Awesome!

thanks andre and perry.  im not as much of a terror on the mats as i am in the bedroom.  and yes, andre, i am hitting on you.

CONGRATS GUYS!!!!!!!!! (damn rain!)

CheckuROLL: You slept with JUST the belt??? Hey, I'm just askin' here...

Pit: Well done!!!!! :D

Douategge: CONGRATSSSS!!! :D

So, yah, everyone wears what they want....SteveKT, Doty, Epstein,
Tyson...crap..bring back the white gi!

again anyone training with bravo is a lucky bastid

Eddie is good but he's no Tony C.

Catch 4 Life...