Conman out partying hard, leading up to chandler fight

You have to drink the widget cans fast, let it settle and neck it in 3 mouthfuls fast , otherwise it’s watery shite.

I know what you mean about the original Guinness in comparison to some other stouts, I haven’t tried many American stouts or porters , I have tried some other Irish ones in the Porter house here ,if you want something a bit heavier from Guinness try the West Indies export porter.

That’s it, Dublin mountains spring water makes the difference, I went off it for a good while and I know a good few Guinness drinkers that did the same when they started clarifying it with some vegan friendly horse shit instead of the isinglas.

They have got it right again since.

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Yeah I’ve known tons of people who have tried it via draft in Dublin and they all say that so I believe it.

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It is much much nicer than a can, not even the same drink really, the nitro surge does come close but if you get a good pint in a pub with a good flow on the tap it’s delicious.

It is also a bit weedier because it’s a session stout as well, you can put away well into double figures with it and not be legless or feel like you swallowed a bag of grit, with a bit of practice at any rate.

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I’ve never tried West Indies but I’ll give it a try. I recently tried Samuel Smith Chocolate Stout and thought that was great and I’ve had their Oatmeal Stout a lot in the past and enjoyed that too. I know thats English and not Irish. Of course I’ve tried Murphys long ago.

This is an American stout you gotta try if you ever come across it. Really tremendous, just had it for the first time recently and saw its one of the highest rated beers in the world right now when I looked it up. Dragon’s Milk Bourbon Barrel Aged Stout. Its 11% ABV but it tastes like its only like 7%.

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Oh I don’t think I’d need too much practice. Nothing more relaxing to me in the world than a good stout or porter at a pub. I’ve been practicing.


Sounds like rocket fuel, I will have a look for it, I might be able to get it here there’s a few off-licences stock different stuff these days now the craft beer trend has gone mainstream.

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The guy is without a doubt very charismatic. Loves himself and attention.

If he was 6’2", he’d be unstoppable.

I’m going.

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I read Ur first sentence and I thought you were talking about me…

Considering how overpriced this shitty Country is I’m sure it would cost a fortune for them to import it.

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You’re welcome to fuck off somewhere else if you don’t find things up to your standards.

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