she’s a 45 year old lady from the same neighbourhood.
you’re that fucking cocksucker that defends pat barry on every thread so that remark from you makes sense, cunt.
same as the Italian DJ incident.
all fine until he just snaps from out of nowhere.
No one would be surprised if what the woman says is true. We all know what an idiot Conor can be. BUT why don’t you guys wait for some facts ha ha. Emotional lynch mobs. Trust all women, sure…
He may not be the featherweight GOAT but the way things are going, he may end up as the Inter-gender GOAT.
Maybe Dana can make up another belt for that title and he can fight Conor for it.
Another day, another anti Conor thread
Youre obsessed as fuck
Are you a full fledged member of the fan club?
I know a girl he beat up too and paid off fucking loser I hope someone kills this fucking cocksucker
Conor Baroni.
Now hes walking around with ILS (invisible Lat Sydnrome)
He’s prob 183lbs at a push.
I remember my first muscle gains , and acting like this prick.
I actually had to get my GF to cut my t shirt off of me as I was trying to take it off and my lats kept cramping to fuck…, And I couldn’t do anything.
I’d also get Mad neck cramps. #Clen #WeightCut
Cramps in a muscle and even muscle’s u didn’t know that could cramp…
How many other ppl have had their lats cramp u to this extremities
1000% we should be doing this!
I’m warming to this guy tbh.
some of his stuff is good, but he needs to drop the caffeine intake a tad.
Kind of like you spending all your time here posting in my threads trying to defend his honor like he gives shit about you fuck face Dude is not going to fuck you
He will definitely be thinking about other men though
What an evil piece of shit this guy is.
Not surprising at all considering he threatened to kill Dustin’s wife in front of over a million viewers once his leg snapped.
Nick was playing possum for his next fight. Let everyone think he’s shot and suck out the money fight next. Lol!
That Nick can never show up again!
Gotta take his Ws wherever he can get them these days
Pretty alpha if you ask me