Yes, i would pay $199.79 to watch Nick Diaz fight Connor, but obviously the cars would need a sweet WMMA co main event to justify that price tag. Lol!
Conor could literally rape boys and half the UG would defend him.
I wonder what goes through Conor McGregors girlfriend (yes still his girlfriend after like 20 years) when she sees this stuff.
Represses it?
Accepts it because of her rich lifestyle?
Thinks Conor is faithful and a stand-up guy?
I don’t get the mindset but I guess if she’s still just a girlfriend it’s fair game maybe.
Could be mistaken identity. Where was Conrad McGregor at the time?
This can very well be true, but given Conor’s history of assaulting old man and being coked up, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did assault her. But I’m sure the lady is exaggerating a bit
Given how nick looked in his last fight, conor probably takes him.
the man was fun…now he is a drunk crackhead
Conor is a scumbag, but I’m not really buying this. She jumps off a yacht and swims until she’s rescued by the Red Cross after getting beaten up by a professional fighter? Is this lady an Olympic swimmer?
Also, if paparazzi can get pics of Conor gaying out with his buddies, why can’t they get any pictures of this?
Yeah, something ain’t adding up.
Money grab maybe, but also Conor is an arrogant scumbag, even during his Cage Warrior days
Suck or swim, bitch!
[quote=“HYBRID_JON, post:55, topic:3810507, full:true”]
Be easy buddy… Thres a long list of people that deserve that before him. Anybody could say what they want, he’s still the most entertaining thing the UFC has. He could be fighting a stuffed giraffe and it would still do a million pay-per-views. I hope he keeps getting fuckin bigger so he could fight Jon Jones.
- I fucked up the quote feature cuz sometimes I’m the worst
Can we send a baggie of fent to Elias and write pre pubescent Cocaine on the bag.
So he sniffs it.
My vacation ends tomorrow so I won’t be as dark…
Till the next ppv , coked up more than Montana/Chapo and Mac combined… Jk…
Conor is a disgrace to Ireland. Really embarrassing to have such a sick depraved fuck representing our heritage
Being Scottish and him having that Celtic/Scottish name .
These guys over the pond would think we’d be supporter’s regardless.
He’s embarrassing us at this stage
So insert the Matt Serra Meme for him