Conor beats another woman in Spain

She was from the neighbourhood in crumlin where conor grew up.
when he recognised her, he invited her onto the yacht to party.
she probably had other plans but went instead not wanting to miss an opportunity to tell her friends about her experience with the local lad that made it big.

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type faster you fucking faggot

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Bisping another mass media-slave white knight with shiny armor jumping with a youtube post every time some gossip about a poor damsel in distress reaches his ear. What a sellout cunt. No wonder considering Britain one of the world leaders in anti-male sentiment.


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ROFL what a dumb ass. “She probably had other plans but ended up on the yacht.”

Well, she sure took advantage of the opportunity to tell about her experience to more than just her friends…

You so naive, deep-pussy. Your role is to propagate this kind of bullshit so that it becomes news, and you’re doing it decently well, but do yourself a favor, don’t try to analyze and if do, don’t share your laughable analysis…

ok thanks for your advice.
I’ll definitely do that, Champ.

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lol that’s achinoam ninny “singing.” She’s an irrelevant leftist weirdo from Israel. Guess she found some new clowns make her feel relevant again.

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Anytime, deep-pussy

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Michael Bisping “Sadly, I have some breaking news which I don’t like sharing with you…”

BS. He’s had a beef with Conor for years. He dances on tabletops for every opportunity he gets at kicking Conor when he’s down.

Welcome to the “used to be tough, now ESPN/Disney soft” club, Bisping. Cormier can show you your reserved parking spot, cunt.

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Conor fucked his bird at school. Jack jerks off to any slight whisper of Conor in the shit.

This photo is faggot angle… He is for sure no faggot…but he think he is a superstar with versace shoorts and ILS…

Fuck him I would say.

Conor is living proof that no mater how much money you have, it doesn’t guarantee happiness. He struts around like an insecure teenager, flexing his muscles and trying to impress people when he has millions in the bank. Why does he give a fuck what anyone thinks?

Hitting an old working-class man in a bar because he wouldn’t drink your shite whiskey. stamping on people’s possessions.

He’s a fucking mental midget.


this, after ufc career he still needs to walk with invisible delts, something is wrong with dudes head
the video him walking looks funny at first glance, then actually sad/pathetic xD

Unless it’s in another Country he won’t spend much time in prison here in Ireland. The justice system is a joke here.

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Some ConPorn for u gheeeeyzzz

An imposter made this pic, I can’t take credit for it…

Same In Scotland, judicial system is a farce.
Letting these wee chav, knackers getting away with so much.
Some ppl have like 50 odd arrests and some never serve time.

In America is it 3 strikes and Ur jailed?


Conor is an unhinged coked-up rapist and a monster who beats old people of course Bisping is going to say something about it.

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post popcorn GIF

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He think whiskey gonna khelp him?

This is why I’m hoping to get out of here. This place has gone to Hell.

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