Conor beats another woman in Spain

Scotland is one of the most beautiful places in the world, just go to a nice place away from the city.


Fuck or float, bitch!

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I’m a city boy.

Yeah we have beautiful landscape,
But there is nothing to do / not much work or a long commute…
Jiri Pro (reeal LHW Champ would love it)

Not of my dealers are gonna drive 1-2hrs at 4/5am for to give me a bag or a 8 ball.

That said it would sort out my slight/high Cocaine habit :see_no_evil:

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Scotland used to and still has a reputation for wife beating, unfortunately.

Also unfortunately, Conor surname is Scottish and maybe has more Scottish blood in him which is also a shame as he has made the Celtic ppl (Scots/Irish a real life stereotype)

Wish he takes up American citizenship, they can have him.

Or he want to big the big man and dress and act like El Chapo, well how about put him in baronis situation, in a Mexican jail

I’m from Australia and have more Irish blood than Conor, both sides are from Tipperary and Limerick lol.


I’ve just gone bk to watching summerhights high…

Jonah etc

Chris Liley is a funny cunt.

The yanks would get the houmor

(Also Angry Boys,unatics a d he did a six episode Jonah series

you should check this dark comedy from OZ out.
I think it’s right up your alley

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Ive saved that now.
Will watch when I have time n get back to u.
One of my faves is Housos…

Again lost on the US ppl and also ppl that havens lived in Aus or Syndey.
I was in Syd for a year and wasucky not to stay in the West.
Bondi for 7 months,
Kiribilli for 3 months
NewTown /Marrickville for 2 months

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you’re one of us degenerates then, lol.

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When I was In Marrikville (maybe told u before, but we went to Lickehart and we experienced the most ghetto of stripclubs, was funny as fuck

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Well, he does both ha ha.

Again, I point out that while it sure is very believable he did what she accused him of, it’s not proven at all yet. Her accusations don’t make it automatic he did it! Of course nobody would be surprised if it were true, but again, who cares about your virtue signaling lynch mob? Facts matter.

How much money does a man need to retire there?

Theres nothing there that’s me defending him. Just stating facts.

And you’re so new

Why would I want to be invited to anything with Conor? Im Erik Apple. Conor could only dream about the awesome shit ive done and the women ive been with. Facts

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For half a second. In the VIP bathroom behind the stage at XS. Just said wassup and fist bumped

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Wil, did u see how big his penor was…

Not for me, but for the fags that want to know in this thread…

Like I said, he definitely socked up during that Mayweather weigh in,
It T’Wasnt a boner

Yea that seemed a little odd. But who knows, maybe he had a boner thinking about the payday?

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I live in the capital and house prices
Ar nearly like NY

A 2 bed for a Million

But for 400,000 up north in the picturesque countryside u could have a 5 bed with masses n masses of acres…
If u want that low key quiet country lifestyle

The fact that you need to declare this on a dead karate forum at this point in your life tells me otherwise, old head.