wfram1977 - I find lots of humor in this whole thread and the fact that we as a nation are experiencing the worst financial crisis since the great depression, but I should pull money out of my struggling bank account to help a fighter that got hurt in a fight.

Ok, a fighter who got hurt in a fight? See were I am going.

If you're struggling that bad then politely decline. There is no humor involved. You aren't being lined up at gunpoint and told that you have to donate anything. My business has been hurting from all of this, but a few bucks isn't going to change my lifestyle one iota, so I threw it in the pot and I feel good about being able to do so because I like Corey Hill and I sympathize with what I saw happen to him while fighting to help raise money for the troops.

Your attitude is, "Everyone is struggling so it's best not to help anybody. Every man for himself". That's not a good attitude. Why stain what was a magnanimous effort by Frank Trigg to raise a few bucks for a guy in need by coming on the thread and shitting on it? What do you get out of doing that? Just ignore the thread and go jerk off to some Romoshop pictures. Then go to Dennys and stiff the grossly underpaid waitress of a tip because we are going through a financial crisis while you're at it.
David, your donation is now completePayment by PayPal
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can print your donation receipt.

There you go you piece of shit, and any other piece of human garbage that feels the need to deride this thread and this effort. I just put my fucking money where my mouth is. And I'm not living on the street yet. I'm sure Corey will appreciate the love.

I'm not rolling right now, and my wife will probably wonder what the fuck I'm doing donating money when we're in the struggle. Oh well, in 5 years it won't matter about the money I gave up. But I'm sure it will mean something to Corey so halle-fucking-lujah!

Good luck Corey with your leg surgery and recovery. Thank you Frank Trigg for bringing this to our attention. Those of you who would like to donate but aren't in a position to do so- get 'em next time. Those who are either hurting themselves or else just cheap fucks but felt the need to have something smart ass to say- fuck you.

thebravebull -- you just restored a little bit of my faith in humanity. You seem to be a decent human being. Good on ya.

AsDumbAsCre, you got a Hulk Hogan autographed photo? Damn