Why do you fucking assholes care if someone is trying to help a person pay his bills? If you dont want to contribute then dont!! Ive never heard a bigger bunch of close minded people in my life.

ZeroTime - First everyone starts coming out with a "fund" for deaths, now this? What's next? Guy gets a scratch on his arm and wants money? WTF.

It's called being a decent human being and looking after each other with compassion and kindness YOU FUCKING DOUCHE-BAG

 I think where most of the confusion lies is with the statement on the actual link that has been posted to provide the details of the fund.

These two reasons do not add up and people are basically stating concerns/comments:

-- To pay Corey's medical bills (AIG is handling this from beginning all the way through rehab and follow ups. Zuffa's coverage is a little more than TWICE what is required just in case something this severe happens; they want to make sure the fighters are covered completely per their policy). 

-- To get Corey's family through the holiday season (Christmas was 2 weeks after this event and Corey's purse and bonuses were more than adequate to take care of associated holiday expenses).

They were suppose to provide updates of his condition as well as CHANGE the explanation of what the fund would cover. THEY did NOT do their part and a lot of people have questions, concern, doubts, etc. That thread played out on the UG, too, and nothing was done.

I gave because I like Corey. But I find it ridiculous that folks want to act like it is difficult to understand where some of the detractors are coming from in their remarks. If you really care, call the gym and get them to provide the updates they said they would as well as modify the reasons for the fund because they are absolute bullsh!t. If it is to provide his family with money to pay bills then SAY SO.

They are arming people with reasons NOT to help Corey. Sounds very stupid and pointless, to me at least, and if this is how you conjure support for a fighter in need it will impact those who follow because the masses are being conditioned NOT to trust.

Do what you want to do... but don't sit there and act like you JUST DON'T GET IT. Get them to update the site and ask Kirik to freakin' wipe this thread out and start a new one... for the right reason and with the right information. This will only hurt Corey and the fighters who follow. Or don't; sitting here and ranting at others is just as ineffective as the explanation posted on the site in FL. Both are embarrassing to those who claim they are Corey's friends and want to help.


Some site updates would definately help.  I had to do alot of my own digging

Mad Xyientist -  Why is Zuffa not paying for this???

not paying for what exactly?

kneedy - I respect guys who fight as much as guys who fight in Iraq and Aghanistan.


BigSleep - 
Mad Xyientist -  Why is Zuffa not paying for this???

not paying for what exactly?

Paying him some regular wage while he is not earning

XCF is donating to the Corey Hill get well fund by giving a dollar out of every online PPV bought, There not asking anyone to donate. Corey did not ask for this.

bland12 - XCF is donating to the Corey Hill get well fund by giving a dollar out of every online PPV bought, There not asking anyone to donate. Corey did not ask for this.

 Forgive my ignorance but what is the XCF? I think that's awesome.


CindyO - 
bland12 - XCF is donating to the Corey Hill get well fund by giving a dollar out of every online PPV bought, There not asking anyone to donate. Corey did not ask for this.

 Forgive my ignorance but what is the XCF? I think that's awesome.


cindy o,

xcf ( is the promotion that is throwing this weekend's "rumble in racetown" in daytona beach, fl, this weekend.

it's the night before the daytona 500.

frank trigg will be headlining. ufc vets jeremy may, jesse taylor and terry martin will be fighting as well.


gorgesjorj - 
CindyO - 
bland12 - XCF is donating to the Corey Hill get well fund by giving a dollar out of every online PPV bought, There not asking anyone to donate. Corey did not ask for this.

 Forgive my ignorance but what is the XCF? I think that's awesome.


cindy o,

xcf ( is the promotion that is throwing this weekend's "rumble in racetown" in daytona beach, fl, this weekend.

it's the night before the daytona 500.

frank trigg will be headlining. ufc vets jeremy may, jesse taylor and terry martin will be fighting as well.


 Ah, thanks GG. That's great=)


 Duh! I just went to the link you posted, GG, and realized it was the previous story Junkie ran=)  Something Xtreme-Couture related tends to bog my brain when I see X and C in an acronym that isn't at the end of a brand.

Here's the site info to share with others:



Only days away, excitement for the Dyna-Pep Rumble In Race Town is building to a dull roar...  Xtreme Cage Fighting Federation has answered the countrywide requests of MMA fans for this historic event to be broadcast live via streaming video on Saturday, February 14th at 7:30pm. "Not only do we want everyone to have the opportunity of seeing this event live, more importantly, Xtreme Cagefighting Federation wants to help raise money for Corey Hill, by providing him a percentage of the streaming video proceeds." says Doug Bland, founder of Xtreme Cagefighting Federation. /o:p

Corey Hill, who fights out of Rob Kahn's Gracie Tampa stable, was a junior college national wrestling champion and is considered by many to be one of the top up-and-coming MMA fighters in his division. While fighting in an UFC® event this past December, Hill broke his leg in what many are calling one of the most gruesome injuries in MMA history. /o:p

"This is awesome; I can't believe the folks at XCF are putting something like this together for me.  The doctors say I could be out for 12-18 months so any kind of money coming in is going to be a huge help for me and my family." says Corey. Rob Kahn, Hill's trainer / manager also commented, "It has been an incredible experience dealing with XCF on the Daytona event, I can't get over the generosity and professionalism the Bland brothers have shown in the promotion of this event."/o:p

Fans can access the live video stream at the XCF website by logging onto The cost to view the live event is $9.95 and can be paid with by Visa®, MasterCard® or PayPal®./o:p

"Xtreme Cagefighting Federation has the deepest appreciation for all MMA fighters. It doesn't matter what organization you are part of or what school you train with, at the end of the day, we all need to better this sport by helping to support each other." said Bland./o:p

Scheduled to fight on the card are former UFC® fighter's Frank Trigg, Terry Martin, Jesse Taylor and Jeremy May. Also competing is former All-Pro Tampa Bay Buccaneers Defensive End, Marcus Jones and Daytona residents Todd Cutler and Byron Byrd./o:p

Tickets for the Rumble In Race Town are on sale now via by phone at /u1:span/u1:span/u1:span407-839-3900/u1:span/u1:span/u1:span/u1:span or at the Ocean/st1:placetype Center/st1:placetype/st1:place box office. /o:p

Dyna Pep, makers of the "World's First Supercharged Energy Micro Shot" is the primary sponsor for the Rumble in Race Town, more information at   For more information on the event, please visit or call /u1:span/u1:span/u1:span(704) 701-0904/u1:span/u1:span/u1:span/u1:span./o:p


 I'm thinking about selling my shorts on ebay and donating half for Corey.  Great guy.

 We cut weight together and all he talked about was his family and stuff.  At that point I wanted to hate him but couldn't find a reason.  Really is a great guy.

HansumBoy - Fuck this shit, if the guy needs money he can just do what the rest of us need to do. Get a real job and earn it. I´d much rather donate my cash to starving kids in 3rd world countries or something than to a perfectly healthy, grown man living in the US that happened to break his leg. I broke my arm a couple of years ago, couldnt work for more than a month and lost a fortune on it. Shit happens, I dealt with it.

If you don't wanna help then don't help. But there's no need to be a dick about it, telling him to get a 'real job' and all that bullshit.

The man puts his ass on the line in the sport that supposedly all of us love. He works to entertain us, and that's why people are rallying to help the guy get through a tough time. Nothing remotely like that can be said about the starving children in whatever shithole country that you won't be sending any money to- but only referencing as justification not to help Corey Hill.

You broke your arm and dealt with it. But you did not put yourself in a position to where anyone would feel any impetus to rally the troops to your cause. Don't be a jealous hater of Corey Hill because he did.

I've never understood people who choose not to give to a person in some kind of need, and instead of quietly declining they have to spout off their rationale as to why that person is not worthy of their money. Maybe they're just fucking cheapskates and it makes them feel better, I really don't know.

 ^ TTT

wfram1977 - I find lots of humor in this whole thread and the fact that we as a nation are experiencing the worst financial crisis since the great depression, but I should pull money out of my struggling bank account to help a fighter that got hurt in a fight.

Ok, a fighter who got hurt in a fight? See were I am going.

 I don't see where you are going.  I just see your ignorance

 2-14-2009  - Xtreme Cage Fighting Federation -MMA - ''Rumble in Racetown'' -Daytona Beach , Florida
Frank Trigg -600
Danny  Babcock 
Terry Martin        -265                  
Zak Cummings 

Jesse  Taylor -1100
Gert Kocani 

John  Juarez -175
Marcus Jones    

TJ Cook -125                      
Scott Harper 

Blake Bowman -165
Ryan Keenan  

TTT for Corey

Is this event airing on HDNet?