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Karate > MMA - on one of Dana Whites interviews he said that the ufc was taking care of corey his medical bills,and family is this not true?

From  another thread:

UFC owner Lorenzo Fertitta and president Dana White called Hill together
at the Cape Fear Valley Medical Center and wished him a speedy recovery. Their positive thoughts did not stop there.

In addition to paying for Hill’s medical expenses, the UFC left one of its employees behind to stay with the fighter at the hospital for the first six days while the rest of the team moved on to Las Vegas for another event held three days later.

Hill underwent surgery the next morning, where a rod, pins, and nails were set from his knee to ankle joint to help strengthen the bone.

When Hill was released from the hospital a week and a half later, the UFC paid for the fighter and his family to stay in town at a hotel so Hill could visit with doctors again before he left for home.

From 12/31/08

Mad Xyientist -  Why is Zuffa not paying for this???

i thought dana had said in some of his interviews that he takes really good care of his fighters. pays medicals bills, but he still needs to feed his family.
i am sure dana can dish out a loan until corey gets back on his feet.
its kinda scary dana gets you to sign your soul away, and when it really comes down to taking care of you when your at the bottom of the barrel. he pays the medical bill and plasters it all over the media. just so we can think he is a nice guy

Are you people retarded? Think about the place YOU work at. Let's say there was a really bad're walking through the front doors to the building you work in. You slip...go flying up in the on your leg and break it...

Now, anyone with a god damn BRAIN in their head would know that their company offers each employee Health Insurance. Not only that, if an injury happens at "the office" an employee has the right for full benefits and compensation.

Just because Corey Hill and everyone in the UFC doesn't wear a shirt and tie to work everyday, doesn't mean that their employee doesn't help with medical treatment. That cage they fight in is their "office". Corey Hill is going to receive full medical treatment and benefits before and after surgery..

All of you morons throwing Zuffa and The UFC under the bus. Shut the hell up and get a god damn life!

TTT for Corey and a speedy recovery.

On another note, can we get a fund for me? I need my Meniscus or LCL fixed im only 18 and want to get into MMA. Both places I worked at shutdown. My knee pops out if I do triangles with my right leg or try for a foot sweep. I don't even attempt to shoot with it.

lol was worth a try i guess.

When I was a kid, I sent a get well card to the Get Well Hulk Hogan Fund. Never heard anything back. It was back when Earthquake crushed Hulk Hogan's solarplexis/bread basket with his signature move. He ended up recovering 100% and later became a reality television star.

solidsnake - When I was a kid, I sent a get well card to the Get Well Hulk Hogan Fund. Never heard anything back. It was back when Earthquake crushed Hulk Hogan's solarplexis/bread basket with his signature move. He ended up recovering 100% and later became a reality television star.

POST OF THE DAY AWARD.... congrats.

Zuffa is paying for his medical as was stated back when he broke the leg.

So what's the deal?  Insurance is not covering this?  A promotion is required to have insurance before the show is even allowed to go on.  So Zuffa did do something.  I am not as up to date on this as I should be, but something is not adding up.  What's the story?

 Oh and even if insurance covers such a costly injury, it's not like the guy can put bread on his table with a broken leg.  I understand and am donating.  Just wondering what happened with the insurance is all.  Like did he have to go out of pocket, deductable, anything like that.  I am planning to give my $10 directly to the Corey Hill fund though.  Thanks for the entertainment and I hope it helps.

AIG...aren't the taxpayers already paying for his medical expenses?

On a serious note,

I hope he gets better quickly

kelby - i thought dana had said in some of his interviews that he takes really good care of his fighters. pays medicals bills, but he still needs to feed his family.

i am sure dana can dish out a loan until corey gets back on his feet.

its kinda scary dana gets you to sign your soul away, and when it really comes down to taking care of you when your at the bottom of the barrel. he pays the medical bill and plasters it all over the media. just so we can think he is a nice guy

 With all due respect, you are an idiot. DW didn't plaster a dayum thing "all over the media." Corey Hill did the interview with Loretta and HE shared what the UFC had done. DW couldn't care less what a bunch of haters on the internet have to say about him and he never will.


For your reading pleasure, he is what Corey shared... again;) :

UFC owner Lorenzo Fertitta and president Dana White called Hill together at the Cape Fear Valley Medical Center and wished him a speedy recovery. Their positive thoughts did not stop there.

In addition to paying for Hill’s medical expenses, the UFC left one of its employees behind to stay with the fighter at the hospital for the first six days while the rest of the team moved on to Las Vegas for another event held three days later.

Hill underwent surgery the next morning, where a rod, pins, and nails were set from his knee to ankle joint to help strengthen the bone.

When Hill was released from the hospital a week and a half later, the UFC paid for the fighter and his family to stay in town at a hotel so Hill could visit with doctors again before he left for home.

From 12/31/08

The LastStop - the guys a thief..a regular sam hoger..

who cares if he hurt himself cause he doesnt know how to throw kicks right

That's hate in my opinion Cindy. I will admit, i was already in a bad mood when i read that, and me spewing profanity at people and wishing broken legs upon them doesn't do anyone any good. I'm a jackass, and i really don't want anyone to break their legs.

The bottom line is, if you don't want to donate money, then don't, i didn't, because i'm broke, but i encourage people who can to do so if they want. I look at it the same as lending another fighter some tape or gauze at an event, if i have it and they need it, i'm happy to help. i don't know Corey personally, but i don't need to know him to respect him as a fighter.

fightdelanoit - 
The LastStop - the guys a thief..a regular sam hoger..

who cares if he hurt himself cause he doesnt know how to throw kicks right

That's hate in my opinion Cindy. I will admit, i was already in a bad mood when i read that, and me spewing profanity at people and wishing broken legs upon them doesn't do anyone any good. I'm a jackass, and i really don't want anyone to break their legs.

The bottom line is, if you don't want to donate money, then don't, i didn't, because i'm broke, but i encourage people who can to do so if they want. I look at it the same as lending another fighter some tape or gauze at an event, if i have it and they need it, i'm happy to help. i don't know Corey personally, but i don't need to know him to respect him as a fighter.


Thanks for understanding. I deleted my previous post as promised;)


solidsnake - When I was a kid, I sent a get well card to the Get Well Hulk Hogan Fund. Never heard anything back. It was back when Earthquake crushed Hulk Hogan's solarplexis/bread basket with his signature move. He ended up recovering 100% and later became a reality television star.

 dude i sent a get well card too. it wasn't much of a fund as he only wished for prayers for the hulk.

but i got back a signed autographed picture. guess you didn;t leave a return address.

How about a fund for all the people that got laid off and don't have a job anymore.

^ find a new one tomorrow, you can still walk can't you.

Corey Hill can't. (without a cast and crutches probably) Let's not pretend these guys make NFL money or A-rod money. He's probably in the same situation as many people who've been laid off because of his injury, I respect guys who fight as much as guys who fight in Iraq and Aghanistan. Give the guy some money if you have some after you donate to veterans.

I don't have a steady job or any money, but if I did, that'd be the order that I'd give in, Vets, and Corey Hill, or visa versa.

 Just because his medical was paid doesn't mean he was able to work.  I just don't see paying $10 to give the guy $1.  I just followed the link and gave him the $10 directly.  It will not affect my life one bit to be out a whopping $10, but it can help this guy (only a little I know) get through a tough spot.  He's not the first MMA cause, nor the last that I will donate to.  I'm not one to give anyone a hard time if they don't want to donate.  And I am thankful for all the questions they asked.  I have the personality that I just want to know answers.  Noone is knocking Corey or the UFC really.  Most of them just wanted some answers. 

"How about a fund for all the people that got laid off and don't have a job anymore". 

What does this have to do with anything?  If his leg is shattered and his profession is fighting, he IS unemployed.  People should give where they feel it is needed.  Everyone goes through hard times.  They are made so much better when communities work together to help out.  If you disagree with this cause, give to something else.  There are plenty of funds out there to help unemployed people down on their luck.  Surely you have local people in need of help.  Empty out your pantry and give all the stuff you have no use for to your local food bank.  Take one of your off days and give something back to the community.  Habitat for Humanity can always use a worker if you aren't into giving money.  Meals on Wheels needs delivery drivers.  Elderly people could use a hand around their house.  The good people in poor communities could use help cleaning up their neighborhoods.  Since you are so concerned about the unemployment issue, go out and help them.  There are a ton of things people can do to help the world and it's citizens.  Not one of them includes getting on here and talking shit about a guy down on his luck.

Thanks to the people who stated the UFC's role.  Zuffa has a long record of helping out it's fighters and they never get any credit.