Cottage Cheese

dbl post.

Add a spoonful of blueberry Polaner Allfruit. It tastes like a fucking cheesecake.

Dos Huevos Gigante for the win


Either you guys just have some sucky cottage cheese there or our tastes are very different because I've basically eaten it like 3x a day for the last 5-6 years at least and enjoy it immensely (with sour cream mostly).

I find that the bad flavour in cottage cheese is from the goop it's sitting in so I just strain it in a plastic dollar store strainer under running water leaving me with just the cheese. As for recipes I use it alot for filler such as when I make eggs (scrambled or omelet) I'll add strained cottage cheese to increase the volume. Same thing with tuna, I don't find 1 can of tuna makes alot of filling for 2 sandwiches so I'll add strained cottage cheese. Other ways I eat it is sweetened with fruit like already mentioned, like this:

1 diced apple
strained cottage cheese
brown sugar or honey


strained cottage cheese
granola cereal

or use it instead of protein powder to make shakes:

strained cottage cheese
strawberry jam

tastes like strawberry cheesecake.

 Mix it with Salsa.  It sounds disgusting, but tastes great!

mix it with tuna fish

+1 for mixing with organic salsa. It is good.

i need to trythis and for reasons by the threadstarter is why i never TOUCHED that stuff :) !!


I eat low fat (0.1%) cottage cheese with pineapple.
I also mix it with boiled eggs and some butter. Tastes great on roasted wholewheat bread.

My 2 year old and I love to eat it out of the container, nothing added, great bonding food :)

lol gotta echo a comment or two above. i know "to each his own", but some of you guys must have some piece-of-shit cottage cheese because i eat that shit on a regular basis (plain or with a bit of sea salt) and personally, i think it's fuckin' tasty.

^^^^or your taste buds are dead lol, it all depends on what brand I guess, for example, the only milk I can drink straight up is Kirkland's Organic milk.

I get the Hood low fat and eat it right out of the carton (no one else eats it). I do enjoy cottage cheese.

Talk about nasty, I absolutely cannot eat cottage cheese with anything that's sweet such as fruit.

I love it in my tuna salad or with cucumber, bell pepper, tomatos, boiled egg, nuts... the list goes on.
I find it somewhat bland to eat just cottage cheese.

I usually use pineapples or madarin orange slices

"I use sugar free kool-aid. BTW, at the risk of sounding like a tool, what is wrong w/Splenda?"

Thinking that splenda is ok because it is made from sugar is like calling white flour a grain because after all it comes from wheat

I believe Splenda is treated with a chemical to break it down, it was once use as rat poison and "scientist" say that since we wouldn't be consuming enough it wouldn't be toxic. Its just like excessive booze and smoking, it won't get you now, but it will bite you in the ass later.

I don't know if it was mentioned but strawberry preserves are good too

 I most often put Pineapple, Mandarin oranges and some nuts.

I love it.