Could Matt Hughes beat Rickson on the ground?

make a gif of the KO he wasnt even grazed in both fights same ending

I don’t necessarily agree with this…

Ken definitely under achieved based on his potential.
But there is a stark different between Ken in the 90s and Ken after WWF.

Also the Fujita fight he thought he was having a heart attack.
And in the first Tito fight he didn’t have an ounce of quit in him.

I think a lot of those weird looking fights on the back end of his career were more due to injuries than anything.
Ken broke his neck in HS and had it reinjured in the WWF. Then he had disks fuzed.
It got to the point where he was just reacting weird almost every time he got tagged – and I think that has a lot to do with his neck.

Agree he should have beat Royce.
I personally think he did the second time.
Any judges would have given him that.
The “regulation” was boring.
But in the OT Ken got high Royce’s guard and was methodically grinding/busting Royce up.
Of course time expired… But Royce was in a bad spot.

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Ive never seen a fight where someone lets go of a full blown choke then stands up and is KOed

How can you say he wasn’t grazed vs Kimbo?

You’re going to make me rewatch it aren’t you!

Also…Berry clearly tagged him twice.
It’s hard to see in real time, but you can see it in the replay.

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not going to argue about it anymore IMO Ken worked 3 MMA fights Kimbo Berry and Franklin and in each one he dove to the floor

Wasn’t it nice of Ken to just let Kimo tee off on him like that?

Great strategy for a guy with all his injuries.

Just because it looks funny, doesn’t mean it’s a work.

just watched it again He wasnt even hit Surely not enough to be KOed Watch it again .Kimbo exact same ending and in both fights Ken didnt punch either in face

yes he was paid off.You see him talking to Kimbo then releases choke then is KOed

he wasnt teed off it was 1 punch

I have to go Rickson here. If Dennis Hallman could sub Hughes twice with armbars…. I think the guy that world chanpions have said he toyed with could.

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Here’s Ken “not getting hit” vs Kimbo.


Looks like it landed to me lol.

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also watch it again like in many works Ken throws 0 punches that lands and clearly was not hit on the KO ( Berry fight )

in a work u get hit…but dive .thats a still photo shows ZERO

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just watched it again Ken dove against Kimbo and Berry.Franklin too .I think hed beat any of them in a real fight

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It’s actually from a gif but it won’t work here.

Yeah, it’s a still photo of Kimbo’s fist fully in Ken’s face.

That’s dropping most guys.

Fucking gif won’t work.

Very little competition of note, legend mostly built on stories of more legit fighters training with him…Rickson is actually pretty similar to Bruce Lee.

But Bruce was more ahead of his time, lol…


Here…scroll a little ways down the page and there is a gif of the punch landing.

That’s about as flush as it gets.

I agree Ken could beat any of those guys.

But not the broken down severely injured Ken of that time.

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in a work it has to TRY to look real U can see the delay in the fall Ken wasnt hit flush he dove Thats the most obvious dive ive ever seen ( Berry ) Kimbo is just about as bad