Could Matt Hughes beat Rickson on the ground?

I read the third one. It’s amazing Ken is still alive after the substances he’s abused. Like drinking a bottle of vodka a night to come down from all the cocaine he had snorted.

Also it seems like Ken is or was a gigantic asshole most of his life, judging by the accounts of those closest to him.

That epic UG thread by Scott Bessac basically confirmed it. Dude was Ken’s closest friend but even he says Ken is a psychotic dickhead.


I was standing at KOTC with Fabiano Iha and Tito when Ken walked towards us. Tito says,” oh this fucking cocksucker”. Ken walks up and they are cordial for a hand shake and then Tito says,” I’ll be back”. Tito walks away and Ken says, “ Tito is such a fucking cocksucker”. This was pre their fights. I always knew that heat was real.


And that’s what I get for being nice to the guy and playing devils advocate. Seems like he was full of shit. :rofl: Thanks for the info.

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He was a juiced to the gills pro wrestler so it makes sense he was “abnormally” strong. He was a juiced up relatively athletic guy beating on natty Japanese pro wrestlers. Of course he dominated them.

with shin guards and wrestling shoes, somebody that strong grabs your foot and cranks something, you’re going to tap. He also got a lot of rear nakeds because there was zero guard play originally and guys would immediately turtle after getting taken down. This is why his submissions were terrible later on and never worked past the infancy of NHB once he couldn’t just crank on some skinny jobber’s limbs or hit a guillotine on a clueless Severn taking blind shots with his head down. Literally every dude he “coached” on TUF was a more skilled grappler than him by that point lol.

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Mo Smith said Ken was way stronger than Coleman, so I think it wasn’t just the Secret Juice


A student of his got him in a knee bar and he refused to tap but eventually did, the next day he showed up with his knee taped up and heel hooked the guy and ended his career, that’s one incident, he had rage problems from being abandoned as a kid and he’s on steroids meth and ecstasy training full time, I’d hate to train with someone like that


Guys that trained with Ken said he was one of the best guys they ever trained with.
That includes Eric Paulson.

He broke Don Fry’s legs and was pretty close to catching Franklin – and that was old injured Ken.
Don Fry’s legs are still fucked up from that fight.

In other words, you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Also… LOL at “natty Japanese wrestlers”.


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Ken was freaky strong.

Don Frye said Ken was one of the strongest human beings he’s ever touched.
Dan Severn he was always able to move guys, but he couldn’t move Ken.

There was a fighter on here that put him in the ballpark of Brock Lesnar, and he had trained with both.



I wish they would have fought years earlier.


I was with you until the Brock Lesnar part
First Half GIF


Oh I think it’s fair to say Lesnar was stronger.
He has a lot of weight on Ken.

But I’m not the one who said it.
IIRC it was either Mike Ciesnoleviczor or Ashe Bowman.

He put Ken in the same ballpark as Lesnar strength wise.
Didn’t necessarily claim he was stronger.

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Static squeeze, like finishing an RNC or arm triangle, I wouldn’t be shocked at all if Ken is stronger than Brock.


You think Ken is finishing an arm triangle on Shane Carwin? That’s a big guy, mid stroke or not, to wrap up that tight.

Ken was definitely strong but Brock Lesnar is barely human.

Here’s Brocks combine records for reference:

  • 40-yard dash: 4.7 seconds

  • Vertical jump: 35 inches

  • Broad jump: 10 feet

  • 225lb bench press: 30 reps


Relson was a mean motherfucker from what I heard


Ken has much better technique but Brock is much stronger. That head and arm Brock got on Carwin was so brutal, he could have squeezed that for the whole round. Carwin is so wide Ken might not have been able to finish it

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I trained with some guys that had been with him and to a man they all said he was straight gangster and mean as fuck.

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I do.

Ken is a freak. If his squeeze is more than Coleman, I bet it’s comparable or tighter than Brock.

I don’t think he could have similar numbers to Brock on combine events. I’m talking strictly static squeeze

I think both Ken and Brock are He mans. At some point it doesn’t matter who is stronger. Both have retard strength.


I don’t think, and never did think that the fight was a dive, but it certainly would have made some sense. Ken was definitely past his best, got embarrassed by Tito and Franklin was getting a very, very big push to be the face of the organization for a while. Dana / UFC has repeatedly demonstrated that (with a few notable exceptions) you only have value to them while you continue to make them money. It’s just how the business operates.

My favorite quote about Relson from a guy that trained with him - “Rolling with him is like rolling with a sack full of elbows and knees.” :rofl: