Could Matt Hughes beat Rickson on the ground?


ufc mma GIF

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As a one-eye man half his size, I take offense to this comment.

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Yeah Iā€™ve heard the stories for years.

Iā€™ve also seen him take like 9 minutes to submit the masterful technician and MMA legendā€¦Takada!

I believe what the other Gracieā€™s say about Rickson, and I believe it applies to GJJ.
NHB is a different matter.

I am not convinced that Rickson would have duplicated Royceā€™s UFC run had he stepped in instead.

He probably would have ā€œretiredā€ after the first one anywaysā€¦

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I personally thought Hughes was a very good grappler, and he proved it throughout his career and in ADCC. Letā€™s not forget Newton also triangled him as well. Interesting hearing Henderson talking about him on the Lytleā€™s Out Podcast. Henderson said basically BJ was significantly better than Hughes but lacked the conditioning and focus. I think Hughes could have a good chance against Rickson for sure. It probably depends significantly on the rules, time and venue. I could see it going either way. In the UFC Iā€™d pick Hughes. He was so much more active and had a significant advantage by virtue of training with the best guys for that rule set. The MFC game planning was pretty cutting edge science at the time.


Styles and game plans make fights and the entire GJJ philosophy is to avoid damage, control and marinate the opponent through positional control. Thatā€™s clearly what happened. Itā€™s not a race. In fact the Gracieā€™s have openly said repeatedly that time limits are stupid. Itā€™s a little like a masterful boxer take his time to work his gameplan vs just trying to run through a guy.


I know, it was a cheap line.
I was being kind of shitty.

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Between this and a thread on the OG, I just realized how much BJJers/Rickson fans remind me of Tool fans lol.

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The round timers say

giphy (1)

Op said ā€œin MMAā€, not in Ricksonā€™s gym. He wonā€™t have 9 minutes straight in top position to work for a sub unless we give him special rules he has a better chance of winning underā€¦which would have to include starting on top, lol.

Also, I tagged the wrong guy.

The truth can be a real bitch. Rickson was Takadaā€™s first ever fight. He was a pro rassler. After turning down many opponents in Pride he decided to fight Takada again because of his ā€œwarrior spiritā€ or something like that, and most definitely not because of the whole generic Japanese-can angle. Takada did after all manage to win 2 of his 10 MMA fights, with one of them being very dubious.

And Rickson prevailed in their 2nd fight, the greatest of all time apparently taking 10 minutes to secure the tap on a prowrestler.

I donā€™t hate on Takada, but the complete lack of quality opponents doesnā€™t help Ricksonā€™s legacy, and I think Hughes could very literally beat every opponent Rickson has fought back to back to back, and it wouldnā€™t take him 10 minutes each. Heā€™d chew through the lot of them in 2 minutes or less.

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i thought he said he only got him once shortly before Rolls death But i am probly wrong


Rickson fighting Takada the second time was a joke ā€“ and not a funny one.

So many potential matchups ā€“ and he rematches Takada.



He probably just chokes Rickson out like he did Ricardo Almeida in a front headlock.


Iā€™d love to hear Renzoā€™s take on what he thought of Hughesā€™ skills during his prime years.

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Iā€™ve always felt these ideas are kind of silly.

People strategize based on the rule set. Just because he subbed him in 9 minutes doesnā€™t mean he couldnā€™t have done it sooner.

People manage energy based on the time available.

If they were 3 minute rounds, he would have tapped him sooner.

He dropped Almeida with punches before that though.

He wouldnā€™t sub Almeida in grappling I donā€™t think. At the very least we canā€™t say he is better at submission grappling from that outcome, we donā€™t really know if he would have beaten him without rocking him first

The Gracies only have that one game plan though. They never evolved to modern rule sets. The plan was always pull guard and wait for the opponent to make a mistake.

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I didnā€™t realize this already got talked about, sorry I wrote a novel above addressing it

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Hughes submitted Jeremy Horn in ADCC in seconds. Imagine what he would do to Ricardo

Sport Fish GIF by Outside Watch


I canā€™t tell if youā€™re being sarcastic or not lol. Not because of you, because Iā€™m a retard.

They were teammates and conspired to get the cash bonus for biggest slam and fastest sub. Then split the money.

Both were banned from ADCC for that, though they let Matt come back later.

Edit: the gif didnā€™t load lol. You got me

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Like Ken Shamrock Iā€™m sure Rickson big brothered the other Gracieā€™s. Frank may have been the little brother but I feel he had the better career