Could Matt Hughes beat Rickson on the ground?

Disagree with this comparison.

Rickson wasnā€™t strangling them in the night while they slept or beating them violently daily. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a great comparison, but I know what you mean.

I wonder how often he trained with Renzo though. The big brother dynamic is usually a result of someone fucking you up 2x a week or more, not every couple months.

And Ken was actually very active and fought some of the best guys of his era.

How good was Rorian?

Kenā€™s big-brothering was mostly based on psychological terror though.

I donā€™t think heā€™s a horrible person, I think he was just trying to make them better the best way he knew how. But it was fucked up.

I do agree with your statement about Ken, but none of those guys had that kind of relationship with Rickson.

Itā€™s like people forgot Hughesā€™s fights with Hallman (Hallman subbed him twice), Carlos Newton (Newton subbed him once and should have gotten the win), and Charuto (who should have gotten the win).

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Iā€™m saying it was a bad example because Ken was actually a legit high level fighter, as opposed to Rickson who has one quality win.

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Ive never seern Rickson pull guard They usuaully do it when they feel the other guy has better takedowns But Rickson had more of as top game than Royce or Renzo and any of them would tell u to get top iffff u can But Royce and Renzo werent as able to get takedowns as Rickson and both would tell u Rickson has better takedowns and ground game


ken also has worked fights unlike Rickson,The Berry fight was the most obvious one as well as Franklin and some in pancrase

Plus the Kimbo fight Ken also worked

For what itā€™s worth, I think Rickson would beat you too, but youā€™d probably win a race against him.

And how do you think his marginally better takedowns would fare against Matt Hughes?

We know which ones were worked in Pancrase.

Disagree about Berry and Franklin.

And whatā€™s the point youā€™re making?

Ken was still an active fighter with legit wins vs top competition, unlike Rickson.

I like Rickson ā€“ so thereā€™s no need to pick a part the careers of other fighters to convince me of anything.
Just that when it comes to MMA, Rickson did what he did. I think we all agree we wish he would have done more.

I also appreciate your allegiance to Rickson in these conversations. You know me, I support the old school.

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But this is way off topic.

I dont think ive seen you be convinced of anything but your own opinion on hereā€¦lol

Youā€™ve been in a shitty mood since Jimmy left.

Upset about that foot surgery

Rickson was bigger and stronger. His technique looked bad but I can tell he is using some sloppy judo that is effective.

I still think Renzo had better all around mma skills than Rickson and I donā€™t think Rickson could have beaten everyone that Renzo did.

The Gracieā€™s are old school and show respect to the elders, which is a good thing.


Hughes would probly get the takedown and my opinion would be iin guard and eventually reversed and subbed This is hypothetical .As for an ADCC match id for sure favor Rickson to sub him But thats my opinion and i realize most disagree

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The Kimob Berry and Franklin fights were IMO clear works Especially Berry in his hometown who hasnt beaten anyone before or since.Clear dive against Franklin no way he losses like that and clearly dove before punch landed .The Kimbo fight Ken has the choke doesnt tiighten it then tells Kimbo im goiing ot let u up and then u KO me No way Kimbo Kos Ken that easy You clearly see them taalking before the KO.U brought up Ken saying at least he beat legid guys but IMO any fight Ken has is suspect because of 3 clear works not even pancrase

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