Could Matt Hughes beat Rickson on the ground?

Renzo would tell u Rickson is much better at everything

Why would Hughes need to take him down? He just has to not get taken down and beat him up.

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u were bringing up the takedown questioning if Rickson could stop it/

I completely disagree with this on multiple levels.

I donā€™t have time to go elaborate about these fights, and I donā€™t really think this is the place to do it.
Plus I think weā€™ve had this conversation before.

I will say that Severn tapping out wasnā€™t ā€œsuspectā€.
Bas screaming when Ken hit the kneebar wasnā€™t ā€œsuspectā€.
Don Fryā€™s broken legs werenā€™t ā€œsuspectā€ ā€“ and he told me himself theyā€™re still fucked up from that fight.

So regardless of your strangely confident assertion about fights you think were worked ā€“ Ken has plenty of legit fights and wins vs big names ā€“ and we simply cannot say the same for Rickson.

I also think itā€™s kind of a weird point youā€™re trying to make.
I thought we had gotten past the Ken thing as just a bad example.

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Maybe you donā€™t know this, but when Rickson and even Matt Hughes fought there were many different variations on rules, including time limits.

Cole Hughes takes them both

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Striking too?


This is a solid plan. Hughes has farm power

why isnt this the place to discuss the works ? Watch the 3 fights in question Very obvious works in my opinion NO way he gets KOed by Berry in Berrys hometown in the first round and the fall itself is very suspect as well as Ken releasing a full choke on Kimbo then whisper to him then 20 seconds later gets KOed by 1 punch total jokeā€¦And the Frankin fight he clearly falls before getting hit and I agree in a real fight Ken may beat Franklin.The Severn fight was real so was the Bas fight the majority were real But the ones I mentioned are clear works and for me to say the Berry fight is more obvious than the Kimbo and Frankin fight is saying something

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ricksons fights were all legid not fixed u cant say the same for ken .Go watch the Berry fight and u tell me thats real

can someone post the Berry Shamrock fight please ?

most obvious dive i have ever seen in sports competition

Kens ufc run shits on rickson 3 fight career vs cans



Steriodal monster wrestlers like Coleman, Frye and Kerr stunned the Brazilian BJJ/Vale tudo scene and game

Itā€™s a thread about Rickson vs Hughes, and you want to go way off subject and start analyzing Ken Shamrock late career suspected works ā€“ a subject that has been beat to death here ā€“ based off someone commenting on Ken ā€œbig brotheringā€ Frank in comparison to Rickson, and my relatively brief response to that.

I even offered an olive branch of sorts, attempting to close the Ken discussion while complimenting your ā€œold schoolā€ allegiance to Rickson.

But you ignored all of that and doubled down on fucking Ken Shamrock worked fights of all things.


You brought up 3 fights that I would have to type paragraphs about my opinion of them debunking your work assertions.
This is something we have done before ā€“ and the fact that you are so inexplicably confident in your assertions ā€“ means that the resulting back-and-forth would probably be several multi paragraph posts.

Thatā€™s the definition of derailing a thread.
And Iā€™m not saying Iā€™ve never been guilty of that, because I have.
But Iā€™m not going to be the one responsible for it here ā€“ and honestly Iā€™m just not in the mood.

But I tell you whatā€¦
Iā€™m working a little overtime this weekend ā€“ which means Iā€™ll be spending most of my time ā€œworkingā€ on teh OG.
So if this sidetrack pops off, and other members get involved ā€“ I will make time to chime in ā€“ and I might even pontificate.

Until then, Iā€™ll leave you with this:

Even IF (only for sake of argument), every single Ken fight you suspect is a work actually is (a dubious notion) ā€“ the legit part of his MMA career is STILL significantly greater than Ricksonā€™s.
Itā€™s not even debatable!

And while weā€™re at it ā€“ there is no need to single Ken Shamrock out.
We can make a LOOOONG list of fighters who have both tested themselves, and PROVED themselves, on a much greater level than Rickson Gracie.

And I already explained to you that Iā€™m a fan of Rickson ā€“ and that I appreciate you supporting him!
But you donā€™t seem to want to hear that.

So I guess Iā€™ll check in tomorrow, and see where weā€™re at.

ā€¦ Sheesh.


Newton did it very early on and got KOā€™d for his efforts anyway.

Royce almost got his arm broken off by Hughes

Yeah, except it was against fucking Takada. Come on son. If he were out there going life an death grappling CM Punk for 9 minutes, would you still be telling us this shit

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The subject has not just been ā€œbeat to death,ā€ but beat to ā€œa livingā€ death.

Way worse.

I have mad respect for Royce and what he did. Particularly in the Severn and Shamrock fights.

But Royce is not remotely comparable in grappling skill to Rickson. He might not be as good as Carlos in pure grappling. And Carlos is far more accomplished in MMA in terms of quality wins and performances

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Too drunk to read now but I did not bring up ken this thread

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Watch the Berry fight then come back and post