Could Matt Hughes beat Rickson on the ground?

I respect your opinions on BJJ a lot. I don’t know how long you’ve been training but it’s obviously a long time.

But that’s not a work. He’s trying to slide into irimi ashi or DOA.

He hit a similar entrance on Rich earlier in the fight and almost broke his leg.

He hit similar entrances on Don Frye

And it’s almost identical to Imanari’s on Mike Brown. Ken’s just not as good at it

shamrock fail



The Berry fight is most likely a work

agree to disagree

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Me watching WW argue with someone other than me or Jack

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Neither did I.

I responded to someone else, and it was a different matter.

Meh…this was old past his prime injury Ken.

Ken was pretty slick with that shit in the 90s.


For what reason?

A boatload of money?


People don’t understand the extent of Ken’s injuries.
And IMO his neck problems were more significant to his downfall than his knees.
Or at least AS significant.

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Hughes by beatdown

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He finished Newton twice and he was never subbed him.

Rickson never even tried to compete against anyone above D-level talent. What was Rickson’s biggest win? Yuki Nakai?

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Funaki, by far.

And even though that was a visibly softer version of Funaki – it’s still a legit win.

All due hespect to Yuki Nakai!
That is one tough mother fucker!

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No-gi and train-less Hughes would win. Gi Rickson would win.

When did Rickson compete in MMA with a gi??

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I thought op was implying a grappling match. I just read the subject and replied without reading any posts.

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It may not have gone on the record but Newton choked Matt unconcious with that triangle, and I agree he should have either gotten the win or a draw.

He ended up going out too, but Matt was out first.


This. It should have either been a draw or Newton should have gotten the win. Matt went unconscious first. That means he loses.


A submission-naive Mark Schultz had Rickson in a cradle for 20 mins but couldn’t do anything with it. Could Hughes get Rickson in a cradle? Maybe. Could he do anything with it if he did? Probably.


I think Schultz is a better wrestler than Hughes. I think he’s in a different league better. Shultz also got choked out by Rickson. Shultz is a beast.


I’n MMA I can see Hughes winning in two ways. Keeping it standing (k1 style) and then eventually taking a tired Hickson G down and pounding him out (behind the barn style).

Or Hughes taking him down much earlier and and violently beating him until teh reff stops it.

My only doubt is the two losses to the Speedo wearing guy! But I’d be scared of a guy wearing those!

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In a perfect world it goes just like the Almeida fight and leaves half the bij community on suicide watch

Hughes vs Rickson in mma would look like this: