Could the government ban MMA? Jiu Jitsu?

Looks like they are using the recent mass shootings to disarm us. Seems like it's actually happening.

Once guns are completely banned in the US, seems like the next logical step for the new world order would to be to ban martial arts as well.

How would they pull it off? They would need a serial killer or 2 or 3 to have an insane obsession with the UFC to set the wheels in motion or something like that.

Thoughts? Phone Post

Ban rubber guard!! Phone Post

More likely that they will admit to chem trails, bro. Phone Post

Put down the blunt and go lay down... Phone Post

Is this a TTT thread? Phone Post

Pass the bong Phone Post

It be easy, the liberal media will blitz us demonizing the barbaric act of MMA. There would be character assassination of major MMA figures. Just like how the libs slander patriots like Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reily. Joe Rogan and Dana White will have their reputations crapped out with viral youtubes. Turn the common man into mindless sheeple and half the battle is won. The proof is what just happen to poor Mitt in November.

There would be false flag plants in the news. Have one "legit" death, amp up Jon Stewart and all the other libs at MSNBC and create a bunch of fake events afterwards to make things seem worse. Look at Arizona, look at Colorado, look at Connecticut, just one false flag attack after another. Strings of deaths occurring week after week during MMA events and in "schools" will scare limp wrist libs into thinking martial arts and MMA were to dangerous for their short bus special cough i mean precious snowflakes.

What really thinks me off is that the same playbook that the libs could use to sent MMA back to the stone age is being used on "gun control" and its disgusting. People call me a conspiracy theorist but people get bent out of shape over critical thinkers.

op is a fa... lol j/k Eddie


But this is a little on the Paro side. Canada is much more lefty about guns than the US and nothing like this is ever proposed.

WestCoastMXC - Put down the blunt and go lay down... Phone Post

Pick up a blunt and shut the FUCK UP Phone Post

Bravo troll backfire IMO. I highly recommend you discuss this on JRE Eddie. Please smoke the best shit first. Phone Post


Impossible.  Unless you buy into some new world order, banning martial arts, which have existed in the United States openly since the 50s? Its a regulated sport. Its taught at schools, universities, in churches and synagogues. You couldn't ban it without banning boxing or wrestling. 

There is no coorelation between gun bans and martial arts bans. Society generally agrees that deaths by martial arts are due to poor character on the part of the student or teacher.

And there are no mass killings in martial arts in U.S. 


Aliens? Phone Post

the NSA has already flagged you for making this thread.  Under the NDAA they will now make you disappear.  Minus well turn over 10th Planet to Joe before they get to you!

No Phone Post

smoking banana peels

Soup and Beer - 

the NSA has already flagged you for making this thread.  Under the NDAA they will now make you disappear.  Minus well turn over 10th Planet to Joe before they get to you!

Yeah, you are in the 'minus well', bro. It's only a manner of time. :)

Hahaha I like this Phone Post

Just saying :-) Phone Post

EddieBravo - Just saying :-) Phone Post

Lol Phone Post

LOL at this