I would start a martial arts speak easy.
We'll have to hide it in dance, like the Filipinos.
Eddie will understand this.
Sayaws and stuff, eh?
SAYAW - The training that the Filipino incorporated the movements of the fighting art into a dance to hide the secret practice of their martial arts such as: Singkil, Tinikling, Sagayan, Nilatik, Sinulog, Sakuting and Batbat of Ilocos Region along with other forms of Sayawan (fighting dance). These dances illustrate the fighting spirit and demonstrate a devotion of love for their country and in the simplicities of freedom of life. The speed beating of sticks makes rhythm for a practitioner to maneuver in and out into different a pattern of dances like in a triangular shape of steps or figure eight direction, which is common in the Filipino stick fight training to speed up the same practice for preparation in a battle encounter with the invader
Wouldnt be the first time "the slaves" were banned from practicing martial arts...
Black helicopters!
We'd have to learn Capoeira and disguise our martial arts as dancing
Definitely possible the liberals aka women and fags always need a target to blame all problems. It won't take long to go from guns to video games to mma. Mma is still banned in some states after all so not impossible.
i would be fine with a ban on karaoke.
Japan tried to ban Martial Arts a few times in the past...
Many improvisations in Okinawan martial arts were made especially in wepons.
It didnt work very well if anything people became more interested.
Wait I can see a strong relationship with drug laws in there somwhere.
I am pro gun and pro mma. But I actually think if there is an attack on MMA, it will come from the right and not the left. It will be an attempt to shift blame off of guns. It will be a part of the whole "culture of violence" talk that the NRA was putting forth recently.
Would never be all martial arts, though. Just MMA (aka "human cockfighting). All those TMA that are "about respect" would survive just fine. As would the Olympic sports, like Judo and Wrestling.
AndrewJitsu - I would start a martial arts speak easy.
When can we ban government? Seems like all they want to do is ban shit and fuck up our lives while pretending to improve our lives.
Fuck those motherfuckers.
I love Eddie Bravo and that was still one the dumbest things I have ever read... And I taught junior high.
The only thing that can stop a bad person with jiu jitsu is a good person with jiu jitsu. Time to train all teachers and students in it and have them wear gi's to class.
Cung knocked my ace out -Kostakio - Is this a TTT thread?It is now
We gots da big guns
Legit LOL!
But seriously, the opening post felt like it was a TTT work. Am I right?
FatLoser -EddieBravo - Looks like they are using the recent mass shootings to disarm us. Seems like it's actually happening.
Once guns are completely banned in the US, seems like the next logical step for the new world order would to be to ban martial arts as well.
How would they pull it off? They would need a serial killer or 2 or 3 to have an insane obsession with the UFC to set the wheels in motion or something like that.
Americans are a paranoid and suspicious bunch especially when it comes to their governments.
the government couldn't ban alcohol successfully it certainly isn't going to ban a successful tax paying industry like MMA.
what is the New World Order?
The NWO also has nearly unlimited financial backing:
Authority Figure -
Impossible. Unless you buy into some new world order, banning martial arts, which have existed in the United States openly since the 50s? Its a regulated sport. Its taught at schools, universities, in churches and synagogues. You couldn't ban it without banning boxing or wrestling.
There is no coorelation between gun bans and martial arts bans. Society generally agrees that deaths by martial arts are due to poor character on the part of the student or teacher.
And there are no mass killings in martial arts in U.S.
LOL @ "impossible".....not the 1st time a nation lost it's freedoms due to the population being turned into a bunch of dumbed down limp wristed idiots....It's happened before in other countries...It CAN happen here...and the wheels are already in motion ever so slowly but surely...Things have certainly picked up in the last 12 years and ESPECIALLY the last 4
No country is immune to this if everyone is baboozled and scared into giving up their rights for some perceived security
FatLoser -EddieBravo -Looks like they are using the recent mass shootings to disarm us. Seems like it's actually happening.
Once guns are completely banned in the US, seems like the next logical step for the new world order would to be to ban martial arts as well.
How would they pull it off? They would need a serial killer or 2 or 3 to have an insane obsession with the UFC to set the wheels in motion or something like that.
Americans are a paranoid and suspicious bunch especially when it comes to their governments.
the government couldn't ban alcohol successfully it certainly isn't going to ban a successful tax paying industry like MMA.
what is the New World Order?
America is not the America it used to be.
So the killer using MMA as a kill weapon is the premise I will be using henceforward.
I would be interested in the headlines of said MMA killer.
"man armbars victim's arm off in gruesome murder/sex crime"
"Heel hook from hell ends life of Jefferson County man"
"Brett Rogers STRIKES again"
"It was a choke. It was rear. And it was naked"
"At company holiday party, man brings crackers and superman punch. Carnage ensued."
SKARHEAD -FatLoser -EddieBravo - Looks like they are using the recent mass shootings to disarm us. Seems like it's actually happening.
Once guns are completely banned in the US, seems like the next logical step for the new world order would to be to ban martial arts as well.
How would they pull it off? They would need a serial killer or 2 or 3 to have an insane obsession with the UFC to set the wheels in motion or something like that.
Americans are a paranoid and suspicious bunch especially when it comes to their governments.
the government couldn't ban alcohol successfully it certainly isn't going to ban a successful tax paying industry like MMA.
what is the New World Order?
America is not the America it used to be.
Someone was very high last night.