Could the government ban MMA? Jiu Jitsu?

tbi0904 -
FatLoser - 
EddieBravo -  Looks like they are using the recent mass shootings to disarm us. Seems like it's actually happening.

Once guns are completely banned in the US, seems like the next logical step for the new world order would to be to ban martial arts as well.

How would they pull it off? They would need a serial killer or 2 or 3 to have an insane obsession with the UFC to set the wheels in motion or something like that.

Thoughts? Phone Post

Americans are a paranoid and suspicious bunch especially when it comes to their governments.

the government couldn't ban alcohol successfully it certainly isn't going to ban a successful tax paying industry like MMA.

what is the New World Order?

America is not the America it used to be.

Someone was very high last night. Phone Post

Meant for Eddie. Phone Post

New World Order?

Please say you're trolling, man. Phone Post

If this is a troll, it is epic and I fell for it.
If it isn't a troll....ouch.
Also, my favorite so far is "Have you ever heard of a book called The Overton Window?" It is this great academic study by this intellectual scholar called Glenn Beck.

EddieBravo - Looks like they are using the recent mass shootings to disarm us. Seems like it's actually happening.

Once guns are completely banned in the US, seems like the next logical step for the new world order would to be to ban martial arts as well.

How would they pull it off? They would need a serial killer or 2 or 3 to have an insane obsession with the UFC to set the wheels in motion or something like that.

Thoughts? Phone Post

Take off the tinfoil hat and get some air... Phone Post

At what stage will Americans make the actual logical connection between the easy, available access to weapons and completely out of per portion murders which utilize guns in your country each year. I know, I know, I'm not American, and the 2nd Amendment blah blah blah. The mind boggles.

That being said, your country is slowly being turned into a police state and your civil rights are being eroded and you seem to be sleep walking into it.

Johnzandt - At what stage will Americans make the actual logical connection between the easy, available access to weapons and completely out of per portion murders which utilize guns in your country each year. I know, I know, I'm not American, and the 2nd Amendment blah blah blah. The mind boggles.

That being said, your country is slowly being turned into a police state and your civil rights are being eroded and you seem to be sleep walking into it.

We're not 'sleep walking' into anything. We're....well have you ever eaten a really fat burger? I mean like, a good thick. tight. solid burger. With three different cheeses, caramelized onions, covered in sweet barbecue sauce plus all the normal fixings?

Well after you dominate that you zone out and kind of just exist for the rest of the day without thoughts. I can only assume this happens because your body is spending all it's resources on now having to deal with that situation.

Whatever that state of being is, i'm doing it all the way to the cliff.

I want some of what Eddie has been smoking. Phone Post

lol @ the govt taking our guns away. mass shootings have been on the upswing for two decades and there has been zero gun legislation passed in that time.

Wow, even the potheads in the states are gun lovers?  The US never ceases to amaze me.

Eddie, lets have a talk. Stop smoking so much and find reality. They can't outlaw your skills. Phone Post

Why is everyone going on about weed? I smoke enormous quantities of cannabis and have been doing so for decades, but you won't ever hear or read conspiracy enthusiast rhetoric from me. There is no correlation between the two. Phone Post

canofsticks - 
Johnzandt - At what stage will Americans make the actual logical connection between the easy, available access to weapons and completely out of per portion murders which utilize guns in your country each year. I know, I know, I'm not American, and the 2nd Amendment blah blah blah. The mind boggles.

That being said, your country is slowly being turned into a police state and your civil rights are being eroded and you seem to be sleep walking into it.

We're not 'sleep walking' into anything. We're....well have you ever eaten a really fat burger? I mean like, a good thick. tight. solid burger. With three different cheeses, caramelized onions, covered in sweet barbecue sauce plus all the normal fixings?

Well after you dominate that you zone out and kind of just exist for the rest of the day without thoughts. I can only assume this happens because your body is spending all it's resources on now having to deal with that situation.

Whatever that state of being is, i'm doing it all the way to the cliff.

This is actually an amazingly apt metaphor. It required alliteration to describe it properly.

Defiantly rubber guard would be banned. butterfly sweep would be looked down upon as much as a Ar-15.:) Phone Post

Definitely Phone Post

biva - 

Martial arts and fighting for sport is not barbaric. Allowing every single person to own their own personal arsenal is both barbaric and retarded.

Unless you live 100 miles from any other civilisation, you don't need a gun.
Andbefore you say "I need to protect myself bra! You liberal fag!"

The only reason you need to protect yourself from someone with a gun is your country's retarded and barbaric gun laws allow everyone to have a gun. Phone Post

Hope you never have to wake up in the middle of the night and see a guy standing there at the foot of the bed with a 12" butcher knife and a shotgun.

It has happened.

I'm sure you can say 'shoo' and he'll run away. But my grandmother would have to shoot him.


UGCTT_EnderTL - 
canofsticks - 
Johnzandt - At what stage will Americans make the actual logical connection between the easy, available access to weapons and completely out of per portion murders which utilize guns in your country each year. I know, I know, I'm not American, and the 2nd Amendment blah blah blah. The mind boggles.

That being said, your country is slowly being turned into a police state and your civil rights are being eroded and you seem to be sleep walking into it.

We're not 'sleep walking' into anything. We're....well have you ever eaten a really fat burger? I mean like, a good thick. tight. solid burger. With three different cheeses, caramelized onions, covered in sweet barbecue sauce plus all the normal fixings?

Well after you dominate that you zone out and kind of just exist for the rest of the day without thoughts. I can only assume this happens because your body is spending all it's resources on now having to deal with that situation.

Whatever that state of being is, i'm doing it all the way to the cliff.

This is actually an amazingly apt metaphor. It required alliteration to describe it properly.


it would be about as effective as thier ban on anal sex and imposition of christianity

Eddie bravo be on them bath salts! Phone Post

This is stupid Phone Post

higherprimate718 - lets just say it did happen. In order to disguise bjj, capoiera style, all the grapplers would just be like "bro, we are just having really rough gay sex". Easy cover.

resulting in a surge in popularity