Crazy people and Bjj.

Are they synonymous? (Big word for the day)

In the 4 or so years I've been training I've met some absolutely awesome people. Not only through my own club at home but through training and traveling.

But in saying this. I've met some absolute looney bins. What is the go?? How do you deal with these people? Do you "weed" them out?? Does you gym have a policy on obviously crazy/psycho people? Phone Post 3.0

We haven't had a crazy gym story thread in a while, I'm in. Phone Post 3.0

I'm also in. Phone Post 3.0


Jeff Rockwell - We haven't had a crazy gym story thread in a while, I'm in. Phone Post 3.0
Me too! Phone Post 3.0

Had a dude come in the other day. Raggy sweats, stained grey tee shirt, both hands bandaged around thumbs with what looked like ebola virus peeking out (he said it was chemical burns), and toe and finger nails that would make a werewolf proud.

Nice, respectful guy but everytime someone would show him something he would exclaim at "how different it was" than what he knew or had been shown. He also apparently claimed to be 10-1 in mma. Phone Post 3.0

In the ten years that I ran my gym, only once did I have to tell someone "Leave and don't come back."  Unfortunately, there are some people that we don't have the tools to help.  

I had all kind of crazies in my school. From drunks and bad smelly people to the neighborhood TMA schools students "trying out the free classes" sometimes I would catch them recording my classes from the outside through the window! LOL

Lil Phone Post

Martial arts attract weirdos

It is not a mainstream activity like football and such so oddballs are attracted to it via dragon Ball z Phone Post 3.0

As long as I'm around, the crazies will be represented.

^ That


I always imagine (from seeing his vids) that Kurt Osianders/Ralph's has had plenty of loons visit.

Pretty much everyone in Australia is batshit crazy so shouldn't you have some pretty good stories yourself?

We had a nut job training with us at Alliance in Atlanta many, many years ago. He had a tough attitude, and did not learn well. He eventually went on to shoot some cops, kill a judge, steal a bunch of cars, and terrorize a city for a weekend.

The worst kind of crazies are normally pretty good at hiding how crazy they really are.

A guy i knew in his early 20's walked into our mma class one Saturday. When I say I knew him, I mean I had seen him around. He was always fucked up on drugs and even when he wasn't on drugs you couldn't tell. Actually when I seen him fucked up on drugs he actually acted normal, and when he wasn't fucked up on drugs he was really wacked out. To be honest I couldn't tell you if he had ever done drugs before.

Anyways, he comes into our mma class Saturday morning wearing baggy gray sweat pants and a wife beater. Stains and all. Says he wants to fight. Not train, not learn, wants to fight. We tell him him where the locker room is but he doesn't need it. He says "I'm going to fight in this."

As we start to warm up, everyone starts to notice that this dude isn't wearing anything under his sweat pants. Not only are his pubes showing, but at times you would see the top of his shaft. So now there is 8-10 guys doing warmups with every one of them staring at this dudes shaft.

After warm ups we go to partner up and everyone grabs a partner really fast. The last guy left looks around the room, looks at the guy in sweats with his shaft partially showing, and says "fuck you guys, I'm leaving".

At this point the instructors tell the guy he has to leave. We all had our laughs and didn't want our training partner to leave. The guy says he is not leaving until he fights and that we will have to fight him for him to leave. The instructor gives him a little nudge toward the door and he leaves with out any problems.

As we get started we thought we seen the last of him but he returns. He stands outside in front of a large window screaming how he is going to kick all of our asses. As he is screaming he starts jumping up and down with his arms shaped like a gorilla doing a monkey dance. He eventually left on his own. That was probably the most worthless mma class I had ever been to because you couldn't help but be distracted by this dude and his shaft.

elitecmbt - A guy i knew in his early 20's walked into our mma class one Saturday. When I say I knew him, I mean I had seen him around. He was always fucked up on drugs and even when he wasn't on drugs you couldn't tell. Actually when I seen him fucked up on drugs he actually acted normal, and when he wasn't fucked up on drugs he was really wacked out. To be honest I couldn't tell you if he had ever done drugs before.

Anyways, he comes into our mma class Saturday morning wearing baggy gray sweat pants and a wife beater. Stains and all. Says he wants to fight. Not train, not learn, wants to fight. We tell him him where the locker room is but he doesn't need it. He says "I'm going to fight in this."

As we start to warm up, everyone starts to notice that this dude isn't wearing anything under his sweat pants. Not only are his pubes showing, but at times you would see the top of his shaft. So now there is 8-10 guys doing warmups with every one of them staring at this dudes shaft.

After warm ups we go to partner up and everyone grabs a partner really fast. The last guy left looks around the room, looks at the guy in sweats with his shaft partially showing, and says "fuck you guys, I'm leaving".

At this point the instructors tell the guy he has to leave. We all had our laughs and didn't want our training partner to leave. The guy says he is not leaving until he fights and that we will have to fight him for him to leave. The instructor gives him a little nudge toward the door and he leaves with out any problems.

As we get started we thought we seen the last of him but he returns. He stands outside in front of a large window screaming how he is going to kick all of our asses. As he is screaming he starts jumping up and down with his arms shaped like a gorilla doing a monkey dance. He eventually left on his own. That was probably the most worthless mma class I had ever been to because you couldn't help but be distracted by this dude and his shaft.
Beep? Phone Post 3.0

We had a "black belt" show up to train at our gym one night a couple years back. The guy was fat and out of shape. He went to the locker room to change and came out in a full ninja suit. Including those boots with the toes. He criticized BJJ the entire class and kept showing how HE does this or that defense. During rolling, he kept claiming he would win if he could use strikes, eye gouges, and biting. The blue belt he was rolling with told him to do whatever he wanted. It didn't help because he could never position himself to so those things. The ninja got dominated by the blue belt and then by a purple belt half his size. He then went to the locker room and vomited in the sink and left it. Our instructor walked him back into the locker room and made him clean the vomit. Ninja came out looking green and swaying back and forth. Our instructor asked if he was OK and the ninja replied that he was just meditating.
After the ninja grained his composure, he asked for a job as an instructor. The gym declined.
It was the single greatest BJJ class I have ever attended. That guy was a special category of bat shit crazy. Phone Post 3.0

Stymie - We had a "black belt" show up to train at our gym one night a couple years back. The guy was fat and out of shape. He went to the locker room to change and came out in a full ninja suit. Including those boots with the toes. He criticized BJJ the entire class and kept showing how HE does this or that defense. During rolling, he kept claiming he would win if he could use strikes, eye gouges, and biting. The blue belt he was rolling with told him to do whatever he wanted. It didn't help because he could never position himself to so those things. The ninja got dominated by the blue belt and then by a purple belt half his size. He then went to the locker room and vomited in the sink and left it. Our instructor walked him back into the locker room and made him clean the vomit. Ninja came out looking green and swaying back and forth. Our instructor asked if he was OK and the ninja replied that he was just meditating.
After the ninja grained his composure, he asked for a job as an instructor. The gym declined.
It was the single greatest BJJ class I have ever attended. That guy was a special category of bat shit crazy. Phone Post 3.0

That is a fucking great story!