Crazy people and Bjj.

For whatever reaason. jiu jitsu does bring out the weirdos to come and train. I saw a guy at a tournament once that had his sweater tucked in to his jeans; not a thin sweater, a big bulky christmas style sweatshirt tucked into his pants which left a 'bunt' around his waist. Nothing compared to the ninja story.

We had a couple ninjas guys compete in the advanced division at Dustin Ware's tournament one time. Real dragon balls nerds. Needless to say they each got tapped in under 2 min Phone Post 3.0

^ dragon ball z rather. Phone Post 3.0

More plz Phone Post 3.0

bonez05 - We had a couple ninjas guys compete in the advanced division at Dustin Ware's tournament one time. Real dragon balls nerds. Needless to say they each got tapped in under 2 min Phone Post 3.0
Do you remember that kid that competed in a black belt with all kinds of stripes on it that was wearing these weird red goggles around the gym all day? I think he went in the purple belt division and tony Jayme put him to sleep in about 40 seconds. This would have been around 2009 or so Phone Post 3.0

Ya'll remember the MUSASHI story, right?

Stymie - We had a "black belt" show up to train at our gym one night a couple years back. The guy was fat and out of shape. He went to the locker room to change and came out in a full ninja suit. Including those boots with the toes. He criticized BJJ the entire class and kept showing how HE does this or that defense. During rolling, he kept claiming he would win if he could use strikes, eye gouges, and biting. The blue belt he was rolling with told him to do whatever he wanted. It didn't help because he could never position himself to so those things. The ninja got dominated by the blue belt and then by a purple belt half his size. He then went to the locker room and vomited in the sink and left it. Our instructor walked him back into the locker room and made him clean the vomit. Ninja came out looking green and swaying back and forth. Our instructor asked if he was OK and the ninja replied that he was just meditating.
After the ninja grained his composure, he asked for a job as an instructor. The gym declined.
It was the single greatest BJJ class I have ever attended. That guy was a special category of bat shit crazy. Phone Post 3.0

Beat me to it. Left out the part about his bag with all the weapons and airsoft guns.

I had a crazy guy in judo, I forgot his real name, but he went by snake. This is at Ogdens judo in long beach, maybe around 97. He claimed to be a mercenary. He was always pulling the "I can gouge your eyes from this position, etc, etc"

He wasn't a bad guy really, just a pain in the ass. I gave him a little bit of credibility when he disappeared for a while and came back with a boss new truck. Moreso when he ran across the street to confront a guy beating on his girl. The abuser pulled a knife on snake. Snakes eyes lit up like his day was just made. He taunted the guy to attack. Begged him to. The abuser actually just ran away, so it was kind of anticlimactic, but still a good story. The club eventually asked him to stop training there, way later when Ogden was gone.

We used to have a guy come in called the "street wrestler". He would tell us how was undefeated in "street wrestling" and how he could out wrestle all of us. He would come in once a month, clearly off his meds, and sit and watch the class. He was always respectful and polite, but would tell us outrageous stories of his street wrestling heroics. Then we moved to our new location and we never sam him again.

I've had ninjas come in, "death touch" kung fu guys, George Dillman pressure point experts, and some traditional martial arts wierdos over the years. I usually put them with a white belt when it's time to roll and watch them get smoked. We never see them again.

Had a guy come in claiming to be an MMA fighter with a UFC contract looking for a new gym. He struggled through warm ups and vomited half way through a line drill. After he then asked if I could get him a fight at small MMA show Kentucky. Never saw him again.

I had a 5th degree black belt in Japanese Jiu Jitsu come in last year, my 3 stripe white belt destroyed him.

I even had a ex-Marine come in claiming to be combative expert and wanted a job. I struggle through class and couldn't roll with anyone without gettting submitted in seconds.

The common theme of these people that walk in is that they are are delusional and arrogant. Humility is something they never grasped.

skkrocks - 
bonez05 - We had a couple ninjas guys compete in the advanced division at Dustin Ware's tournament one time. Real dragon balls nerds. Needless to say they each got tapped in under 2 min Phone Post 3.0
Do you remember that kid that competed in a black belt with all kinds of stripes on it that was wearing these weird red goggles around the gym all day? I think he went in the purple belt division and tony Jayme put him to sleep in about 40 seconds. This would have been around 2009 or so Phone Post 3.0

Yeah that was the nutter I was talking about.

He has the Ninja boots and everything.

[quote]I had a 5th degree black belt in Japanese Jiu Jitsu come in last year, my 3 stripe white belt destroyed him.[/quote]

we do not speak ill of shen on this forum sir.

Years ago, a black belt from florida who had moved to PA came to our gym to visit/train (in actuality, he was probably trying to poach students, as he opened a gym a few towns over not long after). The guy seemed like a legit black belt, who had neither eaten nor drank anything that wasn't LSD for at least 20 years. Nice guy, but a total burnout. After class, guys were sitting around, shooting the shit, so I take my gi top off, and stand up to leave. This guy jumps to his feet, and says "tense'em up!" and punches me in the stomach with what felt like a fucking jack hammer. I'm on the ground, writhing in agony, trying to breath, while my friends are like, what the fuck are you thinking? The best part is, the guy said he thought I had a great set of abdominals, and assumed I was a boxer. A boxer who was used to getting sucker punched in the gut, I guess. Nice enough guy though, and seemed legitimately sorry and embarrassed. I never saw him again.

We have a bat shit crazy white belt on our books at the moment.

When he speaks, he turns his head to the side and looks at you out of the corner of his eye. Very off putting.

Absolutely hates tapping. He gets choked out cold in virtually every class.

Another fella who I havent seen in a while, we used to call "shades".

He lived up the road from the gym, and would walk to class wearing his full gi, belt tied up and a pair of sun glasses on. He would get to the gym, take his sun glasses off and get straight on the mat. Do the class, get off the mat, put his sunglasses back on, and walk home in full gi. He wouldn't speak to anybody.

I've had a drunk guy come in to our old club and watch. He was dribbling on himself. I think he actually fell asleep

Another guy tried the class. Was a bit weird. Anyway half way though he class he jumps up puts his iPod in and starts shadow sparring around the class. Classic. Tried to film it but couldn't quiet get in position.

We have one dude that comes maybe once every three to six months. He comes in talks about fighting and getting his blue belt. Does the warm up. Vomits. Struggles through technique. Maybe two rolls. Vomits again. Sits out till end of class and says seeya 2morrow. We all wave and say seeya in 6 months. He laughs, leaves, 6 months later repeat.

We had a crazy blue belt come in. Try to poach a heap of white belts and tell them they would get blue belts under his association. Our instructor ousted him. There are only 4 gyms in town and this dude has been ostracised from all of them. So has now bought mats and tries to con people into rolling with him in his backyard. The guys is crazy.

I have a couple more but my lunch break is over.... To be continued. Phone Post 3.0

raleigh - [quote]I had a 5th degree black belt in Japanese Jiu Jitsu come in last year, my 3 stripe white belt destroyed him.[/quote]

we do not speak ill of shen on this forum sir.

I would never dare speak ill of Master Shen. He is well know in these parts, this was not him is this case.

Midget Tosser - Years ago, a black belt from florida who had moved to PA came to our gym to visit/train (in actuality, he was probably trying to poach students, as he opened a gym a few towns over not long after). The guy seemed like a legit black belt, who had neither eaten nor drank anything that wasn't LSD for at least 20 years. Nice guy, but a total burnout. After class, guys were sitting around, shooting the shit, so I take my gi top off, and stand up to leave. This guy jumps to his feet, and says "tense'em up!" and punches me in the stomach with what felt like a fucking jack hammer. I'm on the ground, writhing in agony, trying to breath, while my friends are like, what the fuck are you thinking? The best part is, the guy said he thought I had a great set of abdominals, and assumed I was a boxer. A boxer who was used to getting sucker punched in the gut, I guess. Nice enough guy though, and seemed legitimately sorry and embarrassed. I never saw him again.
This never happened. Pussy Phone Post 3.0

oh cool, Jessy30 managed to tear himself away from BBC on BBW porn long enough to make a contribution.

I used to have this blue belt from one of our affiliates visit from Canberra. He was usually unkempt and smelled of booze. He would ways be trying these cartwheel passes on everyone. Seemed happy enough but something wasn't quite right with him. Always a bit too happy when you would tap him. I heard he was over affectionate with his dog. Something to do with penut butter.

BenBJJ - I used to have this blue belt from one of our affiliates visit from Canberra. He was usually unkempt and smelled of booze. He would ways be trying these cartwheel passes on everyone. Seemed happy enough but something wasn't quite right with him. Always a bit too happy when you would tap him. I heard he was over affectionate with his dog. Something to do with penut butter.
We can play this game if you like Phone Post 3.0