Crazy people and Bjj.

Stymie - We had a "black belt" show up to train at our gym one night a couple years back. The guy was fat and out of shape. He went to the locker room to change and came out in a full ninja suit. Including those boots with the toes. He criticized BJJ the entire class and kept showing how HE does this or that defense. During rolling, he kept claiming he would win if he could use strikes, eye gouges, and biting. The blue belt he was rolling with told him to do whatever he wanted. It didn't help because he could never position himself to so those things. The ninja got dominated by the blue belt and then by a purple belt half his size. He then went to the locker room and vomited in the sink and left it. Our instructor walked him back into the locker room and made him clean the vomit. Ninja came out looking green and swaying back and forth. Our instructor asked if he was OK and the ninja replied that he was just meditating.
After the ninja grained his composure, he asked for a job as an instructor. The gym declined.
It was the single greatest BJJ class I have ever attended. That guy was a special category of bat shit crazy. Phone Post 3.0

Ninja pleeeeez!


BenBJJ - I used to have this blue belt from one of our affiliates visit from Canberra. He was usually unkempt and smelled of booze. He would ways be trying these cartwheel passes on everyone. Seemed happy enough but something wasn't quite right with him. Always a bit too happy when you would tap him. I heard he was over affectionate with his dog. Something to do with penut butter.
Lol! Phone Post 3.0

Nothing in this world is funnier than a grown man in a Ninja outfit! lol!

We have had a gay guy who did two techniques then said he was tired and would sit out watching us roll....drooling!
He was asked to leave.

We have had a guy with purple kung fu pants that didn't fit right and were constantly falling down and showing that he always went commando!
He was asked to leave.

We had Mr Glass that would scream the place down in pain whenever you put the slightest pressure on a submission.
He left on his own.

Just a few.