Criticizing Fighters is WRONG!

I personally think people treat these fighters too gently. This is their business, their job, their line of work. It's their profession. It's their responsibility to train hard, to be the best they can be, and hey, also to give the fans a great performance which sadly more often than not, doesn't happen. They should do their homework, study their's just common knowledge! In other sports that is normal, why should it be different in MMA? My point is, it appears that some of these fighters lack discipline and strong work ethic. MMA could be so much greater, the fights a lot more spectacular, if all these guys trained like all get out. Instead, you have some guys like Gabe who can't take it seriously, and then get upset when someone calls them on it. Seriously, that was the biggest joke. It was hilarious yes, but who in the world goes on TUF just to be clown? He knew the weight he had to be at a long time before, and yet he couldn't be serious or disciplined enough to make it. People say, "Big deal! So he didn't make weight! What of it?" To me, there is no excuse. If MMA is all you do for a living, making weight should never be an issue, because training and getting better should be your driving focus and goal. Sadly, that is not the case with some fighters. There are few true contenders who have true heart out there. Many it seems are content to just be "good" when they could be way better. That's why you will always have criticism. Of course it's easy to say things from our perspective. Of course it's different once you get in there. But if you can't do it, then get out of the sport, or at least go to some no name organization and let the real fighters compete.

I'm not mad. I'm just stating how I feel. These guys are big boys. If they can't handle the truth, perhaps they need to take up golf or something.

Like I said before there are different layers of respect. Gabe would be at the lower level or levels of my respect. I still think he has skill but you are right he wasnt serious about it. It brought the sport down a bit so to speak because it made him out to look like someone that didnt take "his job" or the sport too seriously.

But on the other hand, before the show Gabe had alot of fights so he did obviously put SOME effort into his career prior to TUF 5 and to entertain us. That cant be discounted or thrown aside.

What ticks me off, is that I was there at the TUF 5 try outs and there were alot of guys that would have KILLED to get his spot on the show. One of the nicest guys in my opinion, Rich Crunkilton, didnt even make the show. Great personality, good fighter and a class act. This guy I know would have represented and took it seriously. Oh well, what can I say?

History has spoken, now its time to move on. Just use good judgement when discussing something. Be respectful of the sport and the fighters.

"You wonder why there are so many starving people in the world. Wasted money. Chasing the golden calf."

LVGrappler - You hit the nail on the head dude. So many Africans just piss away money on the online sportsbooks. This IS why people are poor!!

"What ticks me off, is that I was there at the TUF 5 try outs and there were alot of guys that would have KILLED to get his spot on the show. One of the nicest guys in my opinion, Rich Crunkilton, didnt even make the show. Great personality, good fighter and a class act. This guy I know would have represented and took it seriously. Oh well, what can I say?"

You could say something critical about Gabe, maybe?

Very true, and very much agreed. :)

I don't go around fighter bashing. Yes, I have stated in the past that I don't like/care for Matt Hughes, but I gave him credit that he is a top tier fighter. Yes, it does take a certain amount of heart to step up and even try. It's just once you get there and decide to stay, you might as well do your best, and if you do your best but you just aren't as good as others, hey, that's fine. At least you gave it your all, you know?

These guys are doing things I'll probably never do. I train in BJJ mainly for self-defense and sport and so I can have a cool Gracie Jiu-Jitsu sticker on my back window. :) I've never grappled in a tournament, but I'd like to eventually. So I respect any of them for getting up there and doing it. That's a given.

I just wish they would all really work at it. Get hungry.

Its not my business to criticize fighters. Sure I have the right too, but I just dont feel the need to say or type it. I just sit back and observe, gather the facts and make my mind up later. I watch the fights to see the different moves and style, and to study them. But I mean cmon, there is no need for me or any "regular Joe" to put out YOU TUBE reviews like our opinions really matter. I want to see YOUTUBEs of what the FIGHTERS have to say, not some random guy from Canada. And whats up with the cussing in the videos...NOT NEEDED!

Im sure Gabe will find a way to make up what he did (or didnt do so to speak) to his fans. And if he doesnt then he doesnt, and thats on him. Its not my business. Im not Gabe and none of any of you are either. Its up to GABE.

What is my business is watching him fight and either enjoying his performance, or not enjoying his performance, then choosing if I ever want to watch one of his fights again based on MY own personal opinions/thoughts of Gabe. As of today, right now, I would definitely like to watch him fight again. Thats that. This isnt really that complicated of an issue. Just dont be a d*ck to the fighters.

If the fighters are complete jerks and are not nice to their fans, then sooner or later they will get their karma or have no fans or no fights lined up. So the fans ultimately win. Survival of the fittest...and the classiest.

And I know with myself personally, part of it is being bummed out for them. I've often times made a comment like, they have such potential! If only they could really cultivate it! I would like to see these guys succeed. Like some of these BJJ black belts that fight, yet you don't see them use much of a ground game, or if they get on the ground, nothing is happening still. I guess it's just frustrating, because you are wanting to see a good fight, and then nothing happens.

Still though, I agree with what you are saying.


basketball fans criticize pro basketball players too

it goes with fans of any sport

no big deal

"How arrogant are we guys cmon now??? Most of these top fighters train with TOP GUYS and TOP COACHES. I think they know what to expect and what they are talking about by the time they get to the "big show." Why do all these Noobs and Keyboard Warriors actually think that THEIR opinion matters? It doesnt!! Just sit back, shut up and watch the fights. No YouTube reviews or commentaries needed."

Who the fuck are you to tell anyone what they can and can't do?

Oh that's right, fucking nobody! Pot kettle black?