Crossfit/working out at home.

I was working on SS but due to a change in work circumstances time has become extremely limited.

So instead on focusing on pure strength I would like to focus on a 3 day a week/45 min workout that would build muscle and I can do at home. I can build my own gear if needed.

is crossfit any good for this or does anyone else have any recommendations?


Well, Crossfit actually incorporates heavy lifting on a regular basis, so not sure if you want or need to do Crossfit at home. You can do any type of body weight circuit you like. Something like the workouts on this page or any other number of pages like this.

Try the search function. There are some HUGE threads on Crossfit.
I personally do it 2-3 days a week at a CF box, but I do it primarily for the push a group setting gives. I'd say do Olympic lifts at home.

Do a search for Never Gymless. I believe it's on It's an entire book dedicated to working out without a gym and it's very well thought out. Personally this is what I use to stay in shape although on the max strength days I still go to the gym. Phone Post

Try the CINDY workout for 20 minutes straight: 1.) 15 BW squats 2.) 10 pushups 3.) 5 chinups. All you need is a chinup bar = iron gym extreme.

There used to be a site (i've lost the addy) that had a different crossfit style workout using only bodyweight for 6 days a week. It was gold for people looking for a basic workout to keep them in shape whilst at home.

Found it:

. . . pick up a pair of running shoes and you're set for life fitness-wise.

You can do a lot at home with little or no equipment. As stated, check out and my site for all kinds of ideas you can use at home.

Train hard,