Cung Le wants to fight Leben

Interesting matchup in styles. I gotta give the edge to Leben based on caliber of opponents, but this one would have some serious fireworks!

Good times, let's do it!

 I like it. I'll be going for my hometown boy Leben, since Le was "to busy" to get a pic with me last week : )

That would be a fun fight.

Yes!!!!!!!!!! Phone Post

title should be Cung Le wants to get KTFO

 cung has a bit of a lyoto style thats very hard to hit aND figure out, and he kos people

That would be the perfect fight at 185.

when was last time Le fought ?

Leben would submit him.

Cung Le wants a fight against a brawler SHOCKER!!!

William Colosimo - Cung seems to gravitate towards opponents that have a style he thinks is tailor made for him. Someone not as technical on the feet as he, but will strike with him (although it didn't work out as planned with Smith the first time).

If he doesn't want to take a fight that will test his grappling, I don't have much interest.


 Cung is not fighting anyone. This is just a way to keep his name in the sport.

When was the last time Le was totally humiliated and KFTO in a stand up battle?

 Le vs anyone that would strike with him is a pleasure to watch.

Have some of you guys actually seen Cung Le fight? I can see him KO'ing Leben in a stand up fight, picking him apart round after round.

Leben could submit him though, I would have thought he'd want to brawl and Le just isnt that stupid he's a technical outside fighter and would take Leben out.

 Le whoops that ass IMO.

MonsterBalls - Now that sounds like a fun fight!

Leben has very good ground skill. If he takes him down I would expect him to tap Le eventually. Phone Post

Clean KO for the Cat Smasher.

Not a relevant fight though Phone Post

Immaculata - Good times, let's do it!