Cuts / Thin skin HELP!

Hey Ian, ive just been to see a chiropodist as my feet are always bleeding. She reccomended rubbing in surgical spirit too toughen up the skin. Seems worth a try.
As an aside, I too suffered with ME for a few years. In fact I was out of work, registered disabled and couldnt look after myself properly. I Finally figured out I have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) - I now eat a variation of the Atkins diet and im in great health. That was my personal circumstance - dont know if it helps, would be interested what you have done to help your health out.


I am surprised that no one has mentioned this: HGH both thickens the skin & increases its elasticity. There is ample scientific evidence to support this, and it is one of the reasons that "anti-aging clinics" and doctors have begun to prescribe HGH for age related problems. Both of these factors would logically to lead to fewer cuts, but I do not know if any studies have confirmed this. Lastly, no, I am not advocating drug use in MMA, but nonetheless this seems to be a legitimate use for the drug in this case, despite its frequent use for athletic enhancement.
