Cyborg cannot stop trying to ride Ronda's coattail

Says Ronda needs professional help to get over losses, and would like to face Ronda in the WWE.

“If she really is done fighting and not returning to the UFC, I think the idea of a WWE match between us for the fans is still something everyone could get excited about.”

Cyborg is the one who needs help.She's nuts.

wow, somebody's got a "fatal attraction"

She mention Rhonda she getsnattention means more money. Annoying as F but clever business move

oh Lord…talk about needing professional help…

They’re women. Why are you faggots surprised. They’re ALL like that.

Lol why would ANYONE wanna see Cyborg vs Ronda in a Pro Wrestling match? 

Y'all would be better off facing each other in a Jiu-Jitsu match, that would actually make more sense.

Please just stop talking and go away cyborg.


You guys are crazy. She was sympathetic about Rousey’s reaction, and what’s wrong about trying to get a WWE match with her? Cyborg is just selling her brand. A fight with Ronda in WWE would get tons of press and attention.

Rousy hates Cyborg with a passion.And needs her for nothing.

Cyborg hates Rousy with a passion,and desperately needs her for money and some kind of vindication.

Rousy will never give Cyborg what she wants.

Rousy wins,,,Cyborg loses.

End of the fucking story.

MidnightStroll -

Cyborg is the one who needs help.She's nuts.

Add on that victim mentality she carries around too

The whole hating Cyborg has never made any sense at all. You are a cage fighter in the same weight class this person is in who she absolutely despises. In fact, she is mentioned as the possible next opponent for the world championship. What could possibly be better than to beat the person she hates so much, to take the belt, to end the streak and the reign? And not only that, she defeats her contemporary who is widely considered #1 on the planet. Going forward for her own legacy, she leaves no doubt as to who is #1. Who would avoid that?

Could Ronda actually be so miserable, she’s willing to miss out on all that for the sake of Cyborg not getting paid?

I don’t know a thing about the American Judo culture. No idea whatsoever. I’ll tell you though about the American wrestling culture. We have a thing called a vision quest. It’s quite literally leaving your own weight class where you are doing well, and go into a weight class that has a dominant champion or contender. It becomes your vision quest to knock that guy off and remove him from the discussion of greatness, instead you stop into that discussion by force.

I never had an opportunity to be in a situation to pursue a vision quest, but I have seen it. There is nothing more honorable than that. I’ve seen it pulled off and I’ve seen it fail. Even in failure there’s a level of respect earned that stays with you.

Again, I have no idea about American Judo culture, but Ronda had it all set up for her to right her wrongs and to capture greatness. Instead she ran away as far as she could run. I get it, she didn’t believe she could win. You sort of need that.

SinCityHustler - The whole hating Cyborg has never made any sense at all. You are a cage fighter in the same weight class this person is in who she absolutely despises. In fact, she is mentioned as the possible next opponent for the world championship. What could possibly be better than to beat the person she hates so much, to take the belt, to end the streak and the reign? And not only that, she defeats her contemporary who is widely considered #1 on the planet. Going forward for her own legacy, she leaves no doubt as to who is #1. Who would avoid that?

Could Ronda actually be so miserable, she’s willing to miss out on all that for the sake of Cyborg not getting paid?

I don’t know a thing about the American Judo culture. No idea whatsoever. I’ll tell you though about the American wrestling culture. We have a thing called a vision quest. It’s quite literally leaving your own weight class where you are doing well, and go into a weight class that has a dominant champion or contender. It becomes your vision quest to knock that guy off and remove him from the discussion of greatness, instead you stop into that discussion by force.

I never had an opportunity to be in a situation to pursue a vision quest, but I have seen it. There is nothing more honorable than that. I’ve seen it pulled off and I’ve seen it fail. Even in failure there’s a level of respect earned that stays with you.

Again, I have no idea about American Judo culture, but Ronda had it all set up for her to right her wrongs and to capture greatness. Instead she ran away as far as she could run. I get it, she didn’t believe she could win. You sort of need that.

Same weight class?

Get A Grip Dude - 

Must be weird to base your entire career on chasing another fighter -- especially one whom you fled the organization to avoid a fight with when it was offered.

fact that is hardly ever mentioned. Cyborg had years to fight ronda and she never did what she needed to do to get there. sucks to be her

lol. Once again a bunch of muds and people that pay to post on a mma forum talking about a champion. hahaha. This place is amazing anymore.

Get A Grip Dude - 

"You are a cage fighter in the same weight class this person is in who she absolutely despises. In fact, she is mentioned as the possible next opponent for the world championship. What could possibly be better than to beat the person she hates so much, to take the belt, to end the streak and the reign? And not only that, she defeats her contemporary who is widely considered #1 on the planet. Going forward for her own legacy, she leaves no doubt as to who is #1. Who would avoid that? "


This is a great question -- why DID Cyborg refuse the title fight with Ronda, the person she hates so much, to take the belt, to end the streak and the reign, and not only that, defeat her contemporary who is widely considered #1 on the planet? Who would avoid that? 

Yet that's just what Cyborg did, when she was walking around at 154-155, probably lighter than Ronda; she not only refused the fight, but asked to be released from the UFC -- she fled the entire organization rather than do all the things you just listed. So weird!

Man I swear Ronda fought at 145 in strikeforce. Am I mistaken? From my recollection as soon as Cyborg came on the scene Rhonda left that class, never to return. Ronda knows she can’t beat Cyborg. Weird she was always so afraid of her. BJ went up, Randy went up, Anderson went up, GSP went up, DC is going up, and for all those guys it’s a bigger weight jump. Ronda only had to go 10lbs. No fuckin way says Ronda.

Chris knows wrestling isn't real, right?

The steroids have really messed up her head.

MidnightStroll - 

Rousy hates Cyborg with a passion.And needs her for nothing.

Cyborg hates Rousy with a passion,and desperately needs her for money and some kind of vindication.

Rousy will never give Cyborg what she wants.

Rousy wins,,,Cyborg loses.

End of the fucking story.


AnthonyWeiner - Says Ronda needs professional help to get over losses, and would like to face Ronda in the WWE.

“If she really is done fighting and not returning to the UFC, I think the idea of a WWE match between us for the fans is still something everyone could get excited about.”


No one is excited about seeing Rhonda and Cyborg fight.

They WERE excited to see it happen at 135lbs.

But that was years ago now.

The only one hoping for this fight or pro-wrestling dance is Cyborg.