Dad told me not to fight- Advice!

I was at the second Jennifer Howe fight. It was probably the best MMA fight I've ever seen.

Thanks for the advice, guys...I wasn't sure if I should post this or not, being really public and all....but i'm desparate and I've been trying for years since I started competing in Judo and BJJ like over 5 or 6 years ago to make him understand.

I don't need permission from him, but it just pains me a lot to see HIM pained because I love my father. This is really helping. :) and yeah, that's me.


Tell him that you need to follow your dreams.

Hey Rox! Thanks for the care package from the Rissing Sun.
I think you got to tell dad how much you love him and his advice really shows how much you love me but you need to trust me. In this game nothing can distract you. This attention from your dad can blossom in the right light.

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hello no! And ain't over ain't over until you decide it is! Who's comin' with me? HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

I was being serious about having him email me. Im a dad. Both of my offspring fight.


Do what you think is right, but listen to your father, and let him know you're listening. Your old man is a whole lot more important than your sports participation, even for an elite athlete like yourself. Doesn't mean you have to do what he wants. Just that you have to take his thoughts and feelings into consideration.

Besides, as you well know, there is a kernel of truth to his fears. Don't just brush off what he's saying.

Great thread!

Champ, I emailed you my thoughts and respect :-)

Ali told Laila "what if you get hit in the stomach and cant have babies!?"

He has a point.

Live your dreams while you are still able. can you not tell me that you feel any damage is worth it?

Well, there's no question that I'm going to keep fighting. But, I think I've come to realize that it's important that he feels like I'm taking his fears into consideration.

"what if you get hit in the stomach and cant have babies!?

- can someone really be punched so hard in the stomach that it would damage female organs? seems unlikely, but what do I know? seems more likely in MMA, hah hah.

Tim and Kirik, great emails..I am very grateful. I think I'm almost set to compose a response...

I don't know about getting it in the stomach being able to cause infertility. I knew a girl who ended up not being able to have kids because she worked out too hard. She wasn't a fighter, but she did work really hard and as a result she ended up damaging her uterus and couldn't have kids.

I doubt however that it is a common thing. But then again, I'm not a doctor either.


The whole "you could get injured or killed at just about anything you do in life" argument breaks down eventually. You can't say that your chances of getting hurt or killed while simply driving down the street are more likely than if you are playing chicken.

FACT: This is a dangerous sport.

FACT: Many people have been seriously injured or have died in hand to hand combat sports, and many more will.

Your father knows these facts and doesn't want to see you get hurt. His worst nightmare would be for you to take a few too many blows to the head or one perfect shot and end up having to change you and feed you through a straw. I'm a father of two and I understand this.

Finally, in life we must realize that sometimes the "I'm going to make my own decision and do what I want" mentality is awfully selfish. There are people in our lives who have given blood, sweat, and tears for us. We have a responsibility to respect, listen to, and sometimes do things to please the people that love us. We're not alone in this world and it is important to sacrifice a little "fun" we might have sometimes to make the people we love the most happy.

I stopped boxing to please my wife and kids because they were scared for me. (Hopefully, it wasn't because I was a horrible boxer! :)

I'm sorry for the long post. I just feel strongly that you should consider the feelings of others. You can train, spar, etc., but why compete when the risks far outweigh the rewards?

Have you thought about asking some of the other female fighters to talk to or email your dad? I'd think it might ease his fears a bit to hear - from someone other than you - just how safe the sport is and how well regulated it has become.

Good luck.

Roxanne, ask yourself, what is the ultimate goal you have with fighting? There is no female version of the UFC. You're not going to get rich off of this.

Jinx you are the biggest pussy I've ever heard of.   You are also a fucking moron.  You have the worst logic I've ever heard in my life.

Jinx to Thomas Edison:  "There's no such thing as a lightbulb, so you won't get rich off making one."

Jinx to Christopher Columbus:  "The world is flat, so there's no use trying to sail to India."

Jinx to Bill Gates:  "Only a few people own computers, so you won't get rich trying to sell an operating system to the masses."

Jinx to Tiger Woods:  "There haven't been any really successful black pro golfers.  Here's a basketball.  Good luck."

You can train, spar, etc., but why compete when the risks far outweigh the rewards?<--- this goes back to why I compete and why I'm not going to stop fighting: because I LOOOOOVE IT! :-)

and I specifically asked the Underground because you guys are MEN. I already have the female perspective.

This isn't my business and I have no good advice, but good luck with whatever decision you end up making.

(Don't mind me, I'm just feeling very paternal with a wee one on the way.)

Your Dad is right, but ultimately your decision...