Dad told me not to fight- Advice!

Luckily you are fighting other girls and you aren't gonna get hurt most of them can't do much damage anyway. Let him understand this first. Now if you ever have to fight Lucia Rijker or Ali's daughter in boxing your dad is right, you could get hurt!

It's Jinx pwning time!  If it weren't so easy I'd find it more amusing, but oh well...

There is no female version of the UFC you moron. Even at the top of her game, she's still going to make less than 10 grand a year doing this.

No shit, Sherlock.  Are you completely unable to grasp an analogy or a comparison?  My point is that a female UFC doesn't exist YET. 

There is no money in female sports.

Plenty of female athletes make LOADS of cash.  The fact that female MMAers don't make much right now doesn't mean they won't in the future, shit for brains.  See if you can comprehend that.

LOL @ you comparing an MMA fighter to Thomas Edison or Columbus.

You probably didn't even go to college and that's why you say stupid fucking things like that.

LOL.  I've graduated from college, dipshit.  You probably didn't graduate from college, that's why you can't comprehend an argument.

Why is it a stupid argument?  Edison and Columbus were both pioneers who challenged what was thought to be possible.  You doubt the possibilty of successful female MMA.  Roxy is challenging that by merely fighting successfully. 

What you perceive as "realism" is merely short-sightedness.

Do you believe that everything that can be done, has been done? 

Dude, there is no market for FEMALE MMA you dumbass.

When Bill Gates founded Microsoft there was no market for his operating system.  The thought that there would be a computer on every desk in America was ludicrous.  So what did they do?  They created a market where there previously wasn't one.  This is why you will never be wealthy despite all of your efforts.  You have no vision.  You know what people like me call poor people like you?  "Realists."  lol.

People like watching catfights but it's a novelty. There will never be a female version of the UFC.

This is just short-sighted.  Scroll up to Roxy's fight record.  See the IFC she fought in against Jennifer Howe?  That was the main event of the night, and it was a stacked card.  Let me tell you something about that fight, because I was there.  The arena was full of morons like yourself who were cat-calling and joking about women being in the ring.  Then the fight started, and it was a barn burner.  Like I said before, it was probably the best MMA fight I've ever seen.  By the third round when Roxy caught Howe in a triangle choke to end the fight, everyone, and I mean everyone in the arena was on their feet going crazy.  The same morons (like yourself) who doubted the abilities of the female fighters were singing a different tune as they shuffled out of the arena. 

My point is that there are a lot of people right now who don't see female MMA ever amounting to anything.  However, those minds CAN be changed, and a market can be created. 

Dude, there is no market for FEMALE MMA you dumbass.

Markets come and go. 15 years ago there was no market for professional female soccer or basketball either.

And either way, it doesn't matter if there is EVER a way for rox to make a living doing this or not... if it's what she wants to do, what she feels right doing, it's exactly what she should do. After all, life is short even in the best of circumstances... all of us should realize that the best we can do in life is to live as well as we can, chase our dreams with as much passion as we can, and enjoy this f%@ked up existence we were handed to the best of our abilities.

Go back to what somebody else said: "When your gone, if your life was a book, would anybody want to read it?" Some people are not willing to settle for a boring, average existence, some people want to do something notable, something that will make their "story" interesting. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I am a realist. The only thing she's going to get from fighting is a busted nose and a broken neck.

That's just stupid. How about some of the other things she might get from fighting:

  1. self confidence

  2. the internal satisifaction of knowing that she followed her dream(s).

  3. god only knows how many new friends she'll meet while traveling and competing

  4. tons of incredible memories and photos from all over the country (maybe the world?) as she travels and competes.

  5. if she not married, who knows, maybe she'll meet her future husband as a result of doing this stuff.

and I'm sure there are plenty more...

Hey Roxy!

In the beginning, my father was very worried before every fight and my mother still is. But they have learned that I'm good at what I do and that it is in fact a sport with less injuries than most.

It might help letting your parents get involved a bit. But I think this is a lot easier for guys since we are kind of expected to get in a few fights and do some rough sports anyway.

I think a major problem here is that you (and mostly everyone else) are a child in the eyes of your parents no matter how old you get. I know that the image of me drooling and smiling in a sandbox doesn't quite translate well in the heads of my parents to the image of me elbowing my way to a victory in Finnfight.

This might make them feel that they've done something wrong and that you're just off on some rebellious path that they somehow have put you on. I think making them understand the sport a bit can help quite a bit. Once they understand that you actually have fans, train like a professional athlete in any other sport and that the sport itself is very demanding, they will perhaps see it as something worthwhile as opposed to something you just got into your head.

My father has currently become more of a fan and is behind me all the way. He does worry, of course, but he also understands all the stuff around sports competition as a former top orienteering runner. So he can relate when I put things to him in terms he understands ("hey dad, it's like when you ran in Austria - I'm doing a lot of conditioning beforehand to exploit the other competitor's tendency to gas").

My mom hasn't got much experience with training at a high level and is also a medical doctor. So convincing her is a lot harder - the difficulty being, I believe, that we have little common ground on this topic and so I can't get her to relate to things.

So basically, as with most conflict, the problem is lack of understanding between the involved parties. And the solution is probably making the other party understanding given that he is willing and given that you can make it understandable to him.

One of the things to consider is that while the guys scraping to get by and elevate MMA now know that in the future guys will make alot more money, women will never make money at fighting.

There is just simply no market or demand for it. Very few men take it seriously and likely even less women do.

The pure personal satisfaction of doing it has to be enough motivation for you.