Dan Hardy Fired?

HillboFrateTrane -
BringBackHeadbutts -

Dan Hardy

The Good-Very personable.  Great at interacting with fighters.  Really gets fighters he’s interviewing very comfortable.  Has great insight and breaks down fights extremely well.  Speaks well.

The Bad-Where as Dan Hardy the mma fighter does a fantastic job at separating his ego when it comes to the martial arts, his ego is out of control when it comes to topics that are non mma related, specifically controversial split topics such as hunting and politics.  It’s okay to have an opinion, but he gets very emotional when someone disagrees to the point he berates them and you can tell loses his cool.

The ugly-Extremely bias towards Eurpoean fighters especially ones from the UK.  I get being a fan of your countrymen, but his bias is so obvious.

His fight career was dependent on where he was from when the UFC was desperate for UK talent. He got a completely undeserved title shot and was able to lose 4 in a row without getting cut where 2-3 was standard at that time. 

Still some way off bj penns record of being the worst ufc fighter ever.

Song2 -
HillboFrateTrane -
BringBackHeadbutts -

Dan Hardy

The Good-Very personable.  Great at interacting with fighters.  Really gets fighters he’s interviewing very comfortable.  Has great insight and breaks down fights extremely well.  Speaks well.

The Bad-Where as Dan Hardy the mma fighter does a fantastic job at separating his ego when it comes to the martial arts, his ego is out of control when it comes to topics that are non mma related, specifically controversial split topics such as hunting and politics.  It’s okay to have an opinion, but he gets very emotional when someone disagrees to the point he berates them and you can tell loses his cool.

The ugly-Extremely bias towards Eurpoean fighters especially ones from the UK.  I get being a fan of your countrymen, but his bias is so obvious.

His fight career was dependent on where he was from when the UFC was desperate for UK talent. He got a completely undeserved title shot and was able to lose 4 in a row without getting cut where 2-3 was standard at that time. 

Still some way off bj penns record of being the worst ufc fighter ever.

BJ would have periods of invincibility though. He was inconsistent but when he was on it was something to see. Hardy never left the border of journeyman/contender. Ripping off the Red Rooster didn’t help things. 

I really wish Hughes would have smashed Hardy before retiring.

thekev1130 -

I really wish Hughes would have smashed Hardy before retiring.

don't you fucking tempt me like this.

HillboFrateTrane -
BringBackHeadbutts -

Dan Hardy

The Good-Very personable.  Great at interacting with fighters.  Really gets fighters he’s interviewing very comfortable.  Has great insight and breaks down fights extremely well.  Speaks well.

The Bad-Where as Dan Hardy the mma fighter does a fantastic job at separating his ego when it comes to the martial arts, his ego is out of control when it comes to topics that are non mma related, specifically controversial split topics such as hunting and politics.  It’s okay to have an opinion, but he gets very emotional when someone disagrees to the point he berates them and you can tell loses his cool.

The ugly-Extremely bias towards Eurpoean fighters especially ones from the UK.  I get being a fan of your countrymen, but his bias is so obvious.

His fight career was dependent on where he was from when the UFC was desperate for UK talent. He got a completely undeserved title shot and was able to lose 4 in a row without getting cut where 2-3 was standard at that time. 

Jesus. They had a four second clip of him training in Asia and replayed it again and again and again throughout the broadcast as if this and only this legitimised him as No.1 Contender.

Transpires, they were right.

Strong analysis but grew too big for his boots. Know your role, Dan. That Herb thing was ugly. Like Rogan Ronda tears ugly.


lol, I'm a way bigger fan of Joe Rogan than Dan Hardy, but Rogan crying over Ronda was far more cringe than anything Dan has done.  

Joe’s still way more awesome, but damn that was so over the top.

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BringBackHeadbutts -

lol, I'm a way bigger fan of Joe Rogan than Dan Hardy, but Rogan crying over Ronda was far more cringe than anything Dan has done.  

Joe’s still way more awesome, but damn that was so over the top.

Like seriously. Did he ever even try rolling with her before saying that? 

Hardy seems to entitled and has an odd ego. Apart from that he was a good analyst 

"an argument with a woman" 

and that's all they have?  edit: oh

We still have Bisping.  We don’t need Hardy.  Too annnoying.  

His commentary was adequate, but his breakdowns were stellar.  

I feel bad for the guy, but people working in the entertainment industry MUST realize the temporary nature of their employment.  The winds of the industry blow whimsically.  They're like the preferences of a gaggle of 14 yr old girls.  One days it's this boy band, the next day it's someone else.  Tomorrow it's Apple, the day after, some cheap knock off company from China.  I'd hate to stake my living on that.  Bottom line: how many guys have made a career out of it?  Rogan?  Everyone probably thought Goldberg would be doing it forever, too.

First off, idk how to post pics but.....

Check this out you gossipy phags

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^ you’ve got to Toggle Forum to get to the non-framed version, and then the link & picture buttons work properly

<div class=“fb-post” data-href=“Redirecting...” data-width=“500” data-show-text=“true”><blockquote cite=“Redirecting...” class=“fb-xfbml-parse-ignore”><p>Another Hardy in trouble with a woman</p>Posted by <a href=“Redirecting...”>Funny MMA</a> on <a href=“Redirecting...”>Wednesday, March 10, 2021</a></blockquote></div>

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God, Mods please delete my account.



THE WORST 14ER: I’m a blue name and still don’t know how to post pics, lol.

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Son of Neckbone - 

His commentary was adequate, but his breakdowns were stellar.  

I know that people on this forum aren’t fans of Hardy and Luke Thomas. But, objectively, both of their breakdowns are really excellent.