Dan Hardy = Phil Baroni

 Think about it.

Big mouth, good punching power, entertaining, crappy on the ground, tough as nails.

Additionally, they both come from a place known for being chock full of A-holes.

Slowshot -  Think about it.

Big mouth, good punching power, entertaining, crappy on the ground, tough as nails.

Additionally, they both come from a place known for being chock full of A-holes.
Your an idiot and the first to make my Ignore list, CONGRATULATIONS motherfucker.


Mc6pack - Your an idiot and the first to make my Ignore list, CONGRATULATIONS motherfucker.


 Dude, it's not a BAD thing.  Baroni is entertaining as hell, and because he's tough, there will always be a place for him in the.

Hardy may yet end up as a nice gatekeeper, or somebody to feed to up and comers.

Mc6pack - 
Slowshot -  Think about it.

Big mouth, good punching power, entertaining, crappy on the ground, tough as nails.

Additionally, they both come from a place known for being chock full of A-holes.
Your an idiot and the first to make my Ignore list, CONGRATULATIONS motherfucker.

I don't like your opinion if it differs from my own!!! IGNORED!

hardy showed he knows what to do in certain positions on the ground, baroni doesn't.

Hardy couldn't carry the NYBA's jock.

Baroni is a mix between Dan Hardy and Rodney Wallace. A really entertaining mix.

crappy on the ground? lol, GSP would have choked Baroni out in the 1st or 2nd round.

Hardy getting out of some of those positions was increible.

only an internet nerd with no balls would get online and talk shit after someone shows no quit like that. plenty of other guys would have given up after realizing they weren't going to win.

Hardy might have talked some shit but he had to get in the cage with GSP and back it up, as opposed to internet toughguys like you who just return to their bag of doritos and anonymity.

and you're naive if you think Dana wasn't telling Hardy to play the role of Mayweather. they know GSP isn't a talker, somebody has to hype the fight up and it's not an accident that his opponent talks a lot on every Countdown show and Primetime series.

The Notorious OMG - crappy on the ground? lol, GSP would have choked Baroni out in the 1st or 2nd round.

Hardy getting out of some of those positions was increible.

only an internet nerd with no balls would get online and talk shit after someone shows no quit like that. plenty of other guys would have given up after realizing they weren't going to win.

Hardy might have talked some shit but he had to get in the cage with GSP and back it up, as opposed to internet toughguys like you who just return to their bag of doritos and anonymity.

and you're naive if you think Dana wasn't telling Hardy to play the role of Mayweather. they know GSP isn't a talker, somebody has to hype the fight up and it's not an accident that his opponent talks a lot on every Countdown show and Primetime series.

 Dude, I'm not crap talking Hardy!  Being the new Phil Baroni is not a bad thing. Hardy will always have a job in the UFC, because he won't quit, and he's got a slugger's chance.

He's better than me, of course, I would never claim otherwise. I'd have tapped like a little bitch to both the armbar and the kimura.

But, lets not kid ourselves, he's got the same basic skillset as Baroni. 

TalkShowOnMute - 
Mc6pack - 
Slowshot -  Think about it.

Big mouth, good punching power, entertaining, crappy on the ground, tough as nails.

Additionally, they both come from a place known for being chock full of A-holes.
Your an idiot and the first to make my Ignore list, CONGRATULATIONS motherfucker.


I don't like your opinion if it differs from my own!!! IGNORED!

 No I dont like people who make snarky comments about fighters who are 1'000'000 times the man they'll ever be.


 Baroni's awesomness shadows Hardy. Fact.

Im a Dan Hardy fan

^^^ Awesome thread stopper

Baroni has effectively ended this nonsense.

I'm from Massapequa, NY, same town as Phil, and I take offense to your last statement!

Who's going to correct Baroni's poor use of punctuation?

GOD no!! Hardy is way more skilled and a much cooler kid than Baroni. Baroni would have gassed and tapped last night against GSP.

 "Hardy is a legit fighter"

He's a legit nobody with wins over... nobody.

Baroni by American style!