Dana: "Anderson said he can make 170"

So what's he waiting or then? Still hoping they give him the bisping fight?? Phone Post

I think Anderson has been begging for Gsp behind the scenes. If weidman hasn't been signed in the next month or two my bet is on a Gsp fight. If Anderson says hel fight at 175 , what reason could Gsp come up with not to fight Anderson. Anderson destroys guys at 205, a cut to 175 is a huge disadvantage for Anderson. If Gsp still says no its the biggest duck

da Vinci 81 - 

So what's he waiting or then? Still hoping they give him the bisping fight?? Phone Post

Time for Anderson to step up.

Jons Forsberg - omg we're listening to this? 6 years and counting of who can/will drop/bulk up. Just set it up, or don't but stop talking about it nobody wants to hear this shit anymore.


Well that makes it easy, just like his weight cut. Sign the fight for summer.

GSP and Silva are never going to fight each other.

The end.

Getting so sick of this crap. Just Fucking fight someone already! I just wanna see him fight. GSP wants NONE of Andy. Silva on the other hand wants it so bad he's willing to go to ww...which prob makes gsp that much less likely to want it.
Silva needs to fight Weidman to shut up all the haters. Then he can worry about super fights. I doubt we see him vs bones since jbj will prob go to hw sooner than later....
I just wanna see the man fight. Phone Post

Jons Forsberg - omg we're listening to this? 6 years and counting of who can/will drop/bulk up. Just set it up, or don't but stop talking about it nobody wants to hear this shit anymore.

Yeah, enough foreplay already. Either get this fight going or just let it die....

awesomestprime - LOL @ Anderson going to 170 to fight GSP. It's not 2005 guys.

More like, its not 2001.

He definitely won't be menstruating at that weight.

If Anderson does make that weight, I see no reason for it to be a non-title fight. Even if he wins the belt and turns around and relinquishes it, that is his right. GSP can challenge for the title again. He doesn't need our protection. It isn't pro wrestling.

With that said, I believe Silva could make that weight. However, who knows at what cost to himself. It could affect his ability to make 185 as well if he damages his kidneys. I wouldn't doubt he figures he might as well drop the other 6 pounds for a title shot, if he is already dropping 9.

Do Cyborg and Anderson have the same bullshit doctor or what?

i dont see how he could make 170

Would be interesting if they filmed a documentary on him trying to make weight from the beginning. Anderson Silva's Vision Quest.

170 or not at all.

I'll believe it when I see it Phone Post

I'll believe it when I see it Phone Post

Anderson at 175 really didn't look all that different from at 185. What's 5 more pounds? Not sure why anyone would doubt him. 


5 pounds is a lot when you're cutting weight

If true, amazing. Imagine the depth in those divisions.
Now imagine someone being the best in all three.

Insane. Phone Post