Dana Burned Through $16 Million Cash Writing ‘love letter to Mexican People’

and run mexican UFC Nacho from a bullfighting rink. more traditional, would make more sense

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Dana cant sign a yearly deal? To always do camel jockey beaner night in September?

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Well, he did say this would be a one off and they would never return as they are losing money using the sphere …

But , now the Camel Crew are now in on the deal, they will definitely be back

Money Arab GIF

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Lol…Dana is so full of shit…he wouldn’t do anything at the Sphere if they were going to lose money


The Abu Dhabi guy are. Ow probably super jealous of Dana and his new Boyfriend crush with Turki.

This could start another war, some Mus on Mus Crime

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James Dolan is already planning to open these worldwide.

Sounds like South Korea is next. They cancelled a London one after getting tired of political nonsense and pulling out.

I’m sure the terrorist Saudis are on the list.

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100%…when the Saudi card got moved from the original March date, UFC had to come up with a new card in Abu Dhabi, so now they have that fight night in August lol. You can see how uneasy Dana gets around Turki when he’s talking about all these big plans, because he knows his cell phone will be blown up with calls to make a better UAE event lol…

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So is his now a ESPN+ card or they still milking the ppv now that it’s Riyadh Seasons Noche?

This is such a joke now that this mexican inspired card for their independence now has Riyadh season in the title that distracts it from the Mexican theme…


Weird they no longer advertise is as triescientos seis and a word Saudi rebrand for Mexican independence Day. :clown_face::earth_americas:

Oh, they still gonna charge Americans $79.99, you better believe it.

Only $79.99

@Nick_Diaz_Army says

Futurama Buy GIF

UFC PPV’s are like $8 USD when you have Fightpass in Brazil.

I do wonder how many people around the world stream the average PPV these days. I’d have to think like maybe 20M people stream it globally. Maybe more. UFC does some massive #s on youtube.

I remember recently BKFC had a terrible PPV number and they actually released the fact that they had like 20 streamers globally for every PPV buyer and that was just BKFC.

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If Dana was smarter, he’d put the next Conor fight live on Netflix, and potyear. Him a major future deal

If ppl were too stupid to stream, they could save alot by getting a VPN and use the Brazilian location to get this 8 buck PPV’s

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What is Riyad Season?

Sounds like Terrorist take over

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