Dana Burned Through $16 Million Cash Writing ‘love letter to Mexican People’

It has giant screens so there will be a bunch of audio visual shit I’m sure and probably a light show. I’m sure there will be video package of lots of Mexican boxers throughout history.

UFC fans made a big deal out of Sinead O’Connor doing one of Conor’s walkouts in UFC and thought that was impressive. Those people never saw the great PRIDE opening ceremonies and walkouts so it don’t take much to impress them.


Their electricity :electric_plug: bill will be quite high.

EGG should have really done this for this weekends international fight week PPV, .

Conor Vs Chandler to headline this Sphere event

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Who knows, Dana’s not spending his own cash…He talks like he is, but he’s spending Saudi cash to do this

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I doubt The Eagles and U2 didn’t pay 16 million a night for their residencies…Dana is just hyping it up so he can charge $10K a ticket…and if you illegally stream it His Excellency and his team of goons will track you down and cut your hands off

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Im sure a lot more shit goes into a fuckin concert than a UFC card

So Dana is co promoting now? What a flip flopper

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Hold my hand bitch and let me show you something…


Co-promoting with women on the card.

Listen to a promoter speak but never trust the authenticity of the words out of a promoter’s mouth.


He’s really in a pickle because he’s now got the Saudi’s trying to call the shots, and then has to try to keep his Abu Dhabi overlords happy too.


I know these promoters are business saavy but it seems like they cant see the forest thru the trees…His Excellency is buttering them up with these huge paydays and hes going to eventually take every big fighter…its going to be like the LIV tour


Dolan reportedly paid 10 million to produce U2’s shows, and then they got 4 million guaranteed per show from Live Nation…so that run of shows cost a pretty penny.


A night? Didn’t they do a handful of shows?

I bet that concert was pretty badass

It started as a handful and ended up being extended multiple times. The final total was 40 shows at the Sphere. It generated a quarter billion in ticket sales.


Saudi’s will have their own Sphere twice the size :slightly_smiling_face:


How come they dont have any of these huge fights in their own sphere?

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Bet it didn’t cost $16M a night to do those 40 shows…Dana is full of shit

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They are not paying 16mil no, because it’s their “residence” and will get a huge discounted rate
Remember the UFC is a one off

What till the Quataris and Kuwaiti’s feel they have to pay and get the UFC there too

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You bet.

Sheik , will definitely want one of these lit up in a deserted desert.

Money no option

The sphere only cost 2.3billion

Lol , that’s chump change for the Saudis.

Double it, triple it times the size by 8, and call it The Octagon, … (Obviously having it octagon shaped