Dana knew the whole time

Jones right nostril -
dinkledorf -
Easters -
dinkledorf -

OP you should be banned from posting you fucking retard shill

Why?  Cuz I have an opinion that's different than yours?

Because you're hanging from Dana's nuts and you are also completely wrong I don't know where to start. It was Dana who ruined Askrens career by not signing him 10 years earlier. He would have long become champ in the UFC. Fucking EGG wants this shitshow to be a circus so one if the most skilled wrestlers wasn't signed. Egg is the sportkiller not Jackson 

Ten years ago prime GSP would have humiliated Askren 

This really is true. 

YaoMingia -

Ben askren is like 35 years old. He shoulda been in the UFC 6 years ago 

He got choked out by a 41 year old who moves like he is 60.

Hate420 -
The Immortal One -
Sabaki -
Easters -

Man pretty incredible how for a decade everyone was on the Askren hype train and Dana knew it was all smoke.  Same with Fedor.  Say what you will but that guy knows fighting

"Same with fedor???" . Get the fck out of here, fedor proved himself bye beating 5 Ufc Champions. Askren Never even came close to that . 

fedor never beat a single UFC champion in his life

he beat all ex ufc champs

Too bad you're new to MMA, and didn't witness Fedor in his prime. He fought in the top organization at the time(Pride), and that's not debatable. He fought the toughest heavyweights in the planet at the time, and beat them all, that's not debatable. Fucking noobs, Derp.

By today's standards, he wouldn't even have been a true HW either. He was a LHW who didn't cut or diet.

BathtubwiththeBoiz - 
YaoMingia -

Ben askren is like 35 years old. He shoulda been in the UFC 6 years ago 

He got choked out by a 41 year old who moves like he is 60.

this made me laugh…im 41 dammit

I agree on Askren 100% and I agree about Dana. He's the man when it comes to MMA. 


I do however feel fedor in his prime truly was the best of that era. He was past it when he started losing

Easters - 

Man pretty incredible how for a decade everyone was on the Askren hype train and Dana knew it was all smoke.  Same with Fedor.  Say what you will but that guy knows fighting

You had me until Fedor.

BathtubwiththeBoiz -
YaoMingia -

Ben askren is like 35 years old. He shoulda been in the UFC 6 years ago 

He got choked out by a 41 year old who moves like he is 60.

Not on the ground he doesn't. You see how easy he passed his guard? The sweeps? And what looked to be like a 1 and 1/2 armed RNC? He "moves" better than almost every human who has ever lived down there. 

CRE - Even the casuals know Askren now. He's a profitable commodity still.

You want your boy to be farmed out for highlight reel KOs at his own expense?


Profitable commodity lol. 

PhillyFights -
BathtubwiththeBoiz -
YaoMingia -

Ben askren is like 35 years old. He shoulda been in the UFC 6 years ago 

He got choked out by a 41 year old who moves like he is 60.

Not on the ground he doesn't. You see how easy he passed his guard? The sweeps? And what looked to be like a 1 and 1/2 armed RNC? He "moves" better than almost every human who has ever lived down there. 

Well CRE has front row season tickets down there and the only thing hes good at is moving goalposts at this point.

dinkledorf -

OP you should be banned from posting you fucking retard shill

Why? as he might be wrong about Fedor, he is spot on when it comes to Askren. The dude has 0 stand-up and he has never been pooled up with the type of grapplers you will find in the UFC. Im a Askren fan but hes an average fighter in the UFC.

PhillyFights -
BathtubwiththeBoiz -
YaoMingia -

Ben askren is like 35 years old. He shoulda been in the UFC 6 years ago 

He got choked out by a 41 year old who moves like he is 60.

Not on the ground he doesn't. You see how easy he passed his guard? The sweeps? And what looked to be like a 1 and 1/2 armed RNC? He "moves" better than almost every human who has ever lived down there. 

Yeah, I know. I wasn't trying to disparage Maia, I think he is great. I was more pointing out that Askren's age cannot be used as an excuse.

bobmanll -
Easters -

Man pretty incredible how for a decade everyone was on the Askren hype train and Dana knew it was all smoke.  Same with Fedor.  Say what you will but that guy knows fighting

Fedor beat dana's champs.. Not smoke I'm not just talking about sylva and arlovski, he beat all former ufc champs that attempted to fight in pride..

Prime DC beats Hong man Choi Fedor all fucking day. 

CRE - Even the casuals know Askren now. He's a profitable commodity still.

That's a bit different than being the man who could beat GSP.

Qannebiss -
dinkledorf -
Easters -
dinkledorf -

OP you should be banned from posting you fucking retard shill

Why?  Cuz I have an opinion that's different than yours?

Because you're hanging from Dana's nuts and you are also completely wrong I don't know where to start. It was Dana who ruined Askrens career by not signing him 10 years earlier. He would have long become champ in the UFC. Fucking EGG wants this shitshow to be a circus so one if the most skilled wrestlers wasn't signed. Egg is the sportkiller not Jackson 

See, this is just being stupid in the other direction. GSP was the champion 10 years ago. He would have beaten Askren 56 times out of 10.

Yea a match that we will never get to see because of Dana. Gsp would have prolly mauled Ben but will never know.

TheRealFOF -
bobmanll -
Easters -

Man pretty incredible how for a decade everyone was on the Askren hype train and Dana knew it was all smoke.  Same with Fedor.  Say what you will but that guy knows fighting

Fedor beat dana's champs.. Not smoke I'm not just talking about sylva and arlovski, he beat all former ufc champs that attempted to fight in pride..

Prime DC beats Hong man Choi Fedor all fucking day. 

It's a different era and a dumb fucking comparison. 

Johnzandt - 
CRE - Even the casuals know Askren now. He's a profitable commodity still.

That's a bit different than being the man who could beat GSP.


Jones right nostril -
Easters -

Man pretty incredible how for a decade everyone was on the Askren hype train and Dana knew it was all smoke.  Same with Fedor.  Say what you will but that guy knows fighting

Don't ever lump Fedor in the same category as Askren 

OP doesn't know shit about fighting. 

TheRealFOF -
bobmanll -
Easters -

Man pretty incredible how for a decade everyone was on the Askren hype train and Dana knew it was all smoke.  Same with Fedor.  Say what you will but that guy knows fighting

Fedor beat dana's champs.. Not smoke I'm not just talking about sylva and arlovski, he beat all former ufc champs that attempted to fight in pride..

Prime DC beats Hong man Choi Fedor all fucking day. 

Lol no DC gets KOed by Prime Fedor.