Dana to announce at least two more 300 fights today

Is Eskimo a Slur ?

Like saying N-Bomb ?

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Are there any Eskimo UG’ers…

If not, who fucking cares…

Some ppl are acting super woke these days.

We all have thick skin on here.

This is the UG/OG

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Can we have a over 30 or over 35 MMA UG section here where we can talk freely…

Or can we just start posting in the OG for MMA talk without not being branded racists or whatever by these 20yr old viggin vegan retards


Not super woke or offended, I do have thick skin. But I am Inuit and was legitimately wondering why someone would call themselves Eskimo


McCarthy simpin’ for the PFL? the humanity! Granted I only watched the first minute… though the idea Kayla makes less fighting on from UFC 300 than a one off in PFL is ludicrous. In the UFC she stands to make a proper name for herself.

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I wonder what the UFC offered her, she had to be making a pile in PFL with the million dollar tournament wins. UFC is definitely the place to get more name recognition and create a legacy though. Would’ve meant more if she was still undefeated


I don’t think she has to be undefeated. Look at Chandler, he was far from undefeated. Made the jump when he was 21-5 and since then he has got a UFC title shot and even after coming up short has been very high on the card on PPV’s in big fights and has now landed the Conor fight.

Interesting enough, Will Brooks is only 26-5 yet is in Titan and does not have a PFLlator/UFC or even a ONE deal.

Anderson made the jump to the UFC when he was 17-4 and then became the Anderson people know and love.

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That’s true…but Chandler has big names he can fight and belongs in the best division in the sport. Hooker, Charles, Poirier, Gaethje, Tony, Conor…all must see fights. Going to be hard for Kayla to be must see tv after two or three fights imo, who you’re fighting matters. It’d be different if it was like Pride where they fought people way down in the ranking just to stay busy sometimes in between big fights. There’s just not many big fights since fighters like Ronda, Nunes, and Tate have passed their primes or retired.

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If she can make the weight consistently I’d be surprised if she wasn’t champ soon though, wish her luck. She’s a beast for sure


I agree totally there are not many must see fights in WBW or WMMA at all.

However she now has the chance to beat Holm who is one of the biggest names in WMMA history. Holm has fought Ronda, Nunes, Cyborg, Tate, Shevchenko, GDR, etc…

With a win over Holm, Kayla can then fight likely the Pennington vs Pena winner for the title. Then with Kayla as champ perhaps Nunes returns for a pretty big WMMA title fight.

A lot of options for her in the UFC. WIth PFL all she would have had is the Cyborg fight and what, a 4th fight with Pacheco who she is already 2-1 vs… and after that, there is nothing there.

She has been in PFL for six years, she was ready to get after it and reach the highest highs and in MMA in the 2020’s that is UFC gold.

If you look at the age of the fighters, its no mystery that PFL had to get rid of their WLW division and their WFW division now. UFC is also getting rid of their WFW division so it will only be Bellator running that divisions and all the names besides Kayla at FW are about to retire or in their 40’s and kinda suck. Even with Bellator still having a belt for it, its a dead division and its just laughable that UFC, Bellator, Invicta and PFL all tried to have belts for it and three of those promotions had to just stop having title fights there because there was no talent for two promotions to try to do that let alone four promotions. It was a joke.

I respect what Kayla and Cyborg have done but WFW is empty and was never ready for the UFC.

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In the PFL would be a lot less resistance for the big money tournament wins as well though, I respect her leaving that behind for the bigger fights. Hope she does end up with Amanda coming back in her third fight, has to be the biggest fight available for her


lol @ everyone on the UG/OG having thick skin


That post wasn’t aimed at you, but the younger generation these days brother.


All good, man


Yeah, Ur right now that I think of it…

I’m a fucking Moran


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And I explained it clearly and if it still bothers you then you can go fuck yourself.

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lol go fuck yourself