Dana to announce at least two more 300 fights today

Maybe the mods let Eskimo keep the offensive name (I learned something today) because they think he’s a Black man in a White man’s world.

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Or maybe it’s not offensive unless you suffer from a victim mentality


Eskimo you bring a whole new meaning to Eskimo brother. Thats great man.


Why’s everyone trying to white knight for Max? He’s going up to a weight he’s already fought at, he agreed to fight for the title there against Khabib and he’s who couldn’t make the weight. You’re all making it sound like he’s being fed to some heavyweight giant just to prepare for if he loses.

This is a perfect fight for him. He’s never fighting for another title at 145 unless Volk loses. He gets another 155 shot with a win and if he loses he can still fight Ilia assuming he wins. He’s in a great position.


I don’t think people are white knighting, we just like Max so much, we don’t wanna see him get hurt in there. He has already taken a lot of damage in his career.

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I understand why Max fans don’t like the fight, its not as “safe” a fight as some other fights out there for him but some people just want to bash the fight because by bashing the fight it allows them to further bash 300 and the UFC.

I think it makes sense given the situation Max, Gaethje and the FW and LW titles are in.

Like some people don’t like Fig vs Garbrandt. I don’t see the problem with it. Fig lost a couple title fights and has moved up to BW. He got a good win there. 36 year old former FLW champ. Garbrandt had a couple loses and has bounced back and got a couple good wins at BW. 32 year old former BW champ. I think its a solid fight that makes sense and the only reason to hate on it is if you are just trying to hate on 300.

I see the glass as half full with both the Max and Fig fights.


This is how I feel about it too. Going up in weight vs a guy like Gaethje can be life changing with the damage he’ll likely take. But not going to lie it’s a fun fight to get.

Love this fight too, can’t see how anyone wouldn’t


The thing is, since losing to Conor, Max is 20-0 at FW when not fighting Volk who he is 0-3 vs. He is just in a tough spot in that division. UFC don’t want him just killing off all the title challengers and they can’t do Max vs Volk 4 so they got to do something with him.

Last time Max went up to LW, Dustin did hurt him but it was FOTN.

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Personally rooting for Topuria to win the belt and Max to get that fight somehow…what a story that would be if it could get that belt back. Best way to justify a fourth Volk fight would be if Max had the strap too


If Topuria were to win the belt, Max has said he wants to return to FW after beating Gaethje so that would set up that title fight right there.

Now if Max loses to Gaethje, he would probably need just one FW win to get a title shot vs Topuria.

Who knows, if Max loses some razor close war to Gaethje they would probably give him a FW title shot off a loss.

Just a ton of interesting fights in play with the 298, 299 and 300 outcomes.


Andrade vs Rodriguez has been added to 300. My least favorite fight on the card but whatever.

Put that shit on 299 and bring MVP vs Holland on 300 or something.


ESPN insinuating that the card is set other than the main event

Dana said something a few months ago along the lines of this card would be so good you’d be looking at the first fight of the night and thinking what are they doing fighting in the prelims. Could do without the Andrade and Yusuff fights for a card this big…Holland vs MVP and another fight like Yan or Gamrot’s fight should be on 300 instead. Still a good card, just can’t build it up like it’s going to be something out of this world then give us fights like those

The people that don’t deserve to be on this card imo
Are circled

It does look like a decent card but not on the level you’d expect for the 300th PPV.

Needs a better main event for a start, that main is shite.

Undercard is dogshit

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Gaethje is gonna change his life , and not in the good way



Rumor that Conor and Chandler are fighting for the new 165 lb belt at 300. I assume Leon would then fight Belal for the new 175 lb belt.

This is nothing more than a rumor I see from this youtuber I’m not familiar with so I guess we wait and see…

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