Dana White: 60 Minutes...

Sorry, I usually walk out of the room whenever Dana shows up on the TV screen, so I missed a lot of what was said about him...

Did 60 minutes errorneously credit him and Zuffa with the safer (Unified) mma rules and the sanctioning of the sport?

Seems like Dana and company continue to perpetuate this revisionist history to make them look like the saviors of American MMA.

I hope you are being sarcastic...

Are you just Dana bashing or do you really believe that Dana White and Zuffa didn't save MMA in the US?

1) In 1999, SEG, the owners of the UFC went to the Nevada State Athletic Commission to seek sanctioning.

They were turned down by the Commisssion. Interestingly enough, Lorenzo Ferttita was on that Commission.

2) By 2000, the UFC, with SEG at the helm, had already ran sanctioned events in Iowa, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

3) In 2000, the UFC / MMA became sanctioned in NJ, the second most powerful and influential sanctioning body, aside from Nevada.

4) Also in 2000, the NJ Athletic Commision (with assistance from CA- who were also very interested in sanctioning MMA until they hit budgetary issues), came up with the "Unified Rules of MMA".

It was these rules that established weight classes and various safety rules, that Dana and Company are quick to take credit for, even though they had nothing to do with them.

5) In 2001, having already been turned down by the largest and most powerful atheletic commission, SEG decided to sell their company, to ** surprise ** a member of the commission that shot them down.

so fucking what.

Dana and partners bought the UFC, put the time and effort into it and have made it more mainstream than it ever has been.

sure dude comes off as a douche and rumors abound that he's a dick.

I don't fucking care, I see fights 12 times a year, get free fights numerous times a year and the only 'reality' show I give a fuck to watch.

the biggest companies in the world didn't get to be the biggest by giving a fuck about their workers, they did it by being efficient and making the hard choices.

get fucking over it, he's not your boss.
and if MMA fighters, don't wanna deal with Dana, there are lesser options or they can work on 'resume skills'.
I'm tired of the non-stop bitching about Dana White, fuck go watch something else and STFU
you sound like a bitch!

You mean Zuffa weren't the ones to outlaw eye gouges? But all of the news reports say so.

What else? Not to get into specifics (because I'm too lazy to search around the internet):

  • Zuffa likes to sue smaller shows for using the word "Fighting" and "Championships" in their title.

  • Zuffa likes to sue smaller shows for using the octagon cage if they do not pay licensing fees.

  • Zuffa likes to lowball their fighters, and lock them in contracts with exclusivity clauses, even though they can (and will) fire them at any time.

  • Dana and Co. were the geniuses in getting rid of Tito, BJ Penn, Jens Pulver, Din Thomas, etc, etc...and then having to get all of them back.

LOL at you openly admitting that you chose to not pay attention to Dana's interview, but then coming on here and asking for a summation.

Your trolling efforts to argue your point are too obvious...lol

again, so what
does it hurt you?

the NBA goes after websites using their likeness for crying out loud.

windows goes tried to go after anyone with a 'illegal' copy of win xp.

pro atheletes get dropped all the time from other sports

quit whining like a bitch..

boo hoo Dana/Zuffa are not nice ppl.
welcome to the real world son..

RecentlyReaped was right. I used to have to wait 2-3 months for a show. Now I get to see 2 a month, maybe more. Be gratefull.

The Fertitas and Dana (whether u like them or not!) made it happen. It wasn't SEG.

I'm not saying they're angels (angels and businessmen usually don't go together.) but u can't deny them credit. Whether their motivation for MMA was financial or appreciation, they fought and made it happen. Match-ups, money, sponsorship, contracts, ect. come 2nd to MMA becoming mainstream so we can watch it.

Even though I believe MMA sells itself........and obviously Dana invested himself in that belief, Dana's  gotta be given his props. Not anyone can take a biz and make it work, no matter how popular it is it can be or how much cash you throw at it. Ted Turners WCW venture proved that.  Dana deserves alotta credit. 

"Nobody fucking cares. Get over your small penis already."

This is an MMA site. I think some people would find it interesting how Dana and company like to revise the actual history of MMA in the USA.

don't forget Vince McMahon and the XFL ;-)

throughout history, the victors have rewritten history.
meh, I could care less.

besides, I don't believe he mentioned that.

hello Dana

"Seems like Dana and company continue to perpetuate this revisionist history to make them look like the saviors of American MMA."

Well, you'd think 60 Minutes and the various newspapers would do some fact-checking once in a while.

I haven't looked up everything, but I do know that the unified rules were set in April 2001 (Zuffa bought the UFC in January) and the amendments establishing weight classes and making gloves mandatory came in late 2002.

I'm not saying Zuffa had anything to do with either of those rule sets, but I have no idea -- they may well have lobbied for them, who knows?

I'm not Dana, I have all my hair :)

From whaledog.com:

"Hello, this is Nick Lembo, Counsel to the New Jersey State Athletic Control Board.

Thank you for your interest and coverage of the mixed martial arts. Please review the following, which may assist you, in case you wish to author any future news articles on the subject.

Be advised that:

New Jersey sanctioned mixed martial arts before Zuffa even bought the UFC. UFC 28 was held in Atlantic City, NJ on November 17, 2000. This event was sanctioned by New Jersey while the UFC was an entity and a name owned by SEG ( Bob Meyrowitz). This event was held under the below listed rules awaiting administrative publication.

In fact, an entity unrelated to the UFC, SEG or Zuffa held a sanctioned event in Atlantic City, prior to UFC 28, on September 30, 2000. This organization was
known as the the IFC.

The UFC had already accepted, by virtue of staging an event in Atlantic City in November 2000, every below listed rule before Zuffa bought it.

Accordingly, knees to the head of a downed opponent , certain elbow strikes, head butts and 20 other actions were already denoted as fouls that could result in disqualification. Additionally, weight classes, stringent medical requirements and strict regulatory oversight were in place at that time."

["Sorry, I usually walk out of the room whenever Dana shows up on the TV screen, so I missed a lot of what was said about him... I think some people would find it interesting how Dana and company like to revise the actual history of MMA in the USA."]

I like how you claim to be a Dana expert, yet wont stomach Dana giving a 15 sec soundbite on a great MMA news piece. Sounds like youre so bull-headedly biased about Dana/Zuffa you quit being able to be rational about the subject you waste your breath griping about.

I am very skeptical of CEO types, but Dana is winning me over