Dana White calls media scumbags for questioning fighter pay


I guess that means the media is right…

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My question is: who the fuck DOES Dana like?

You can’t questions fighter’s rights/pay; you can’t break major stories; you can’t question the roster or matchmaking decisions; you can’t complain about interim belts or PPV figures or drug test or blah blah blah

Basically, Dana only likes reporters that are in his pocket and feed the news he wants fed. Kingpin needs to realise that a lot of reporters are independent contractors - just like his fighters - and can report on whatever the fuck they want.


Dana had better watch his back. You can only piss people off so much before they start to tattle.

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They haven’t in 20+ years… they won’t ever it seems.

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If they’re underpaid it’s because they’re not doing it right. Be more interesting and make more people want to see you. Conor started where they all start and went on to be the highest paid athlete in the world.


Dana’s always mad at everyone who don’t just do what he likes. He’s a bit fucked up, which is surely why he’s made it that far. Plenty of smarter people, but he’s a bit of a selfish psycho. That really helps sometimes.

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Egg is a 100% right on this on.


Someone needs to quote the whole interview

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Considering fighters themselves can’t agree on this, nor organise themselves as a collective to push for change…why should I give a fuck?

The media go after it because it’s an easy topic to report on with a heathy dose of fake outrage.

I’m with Dana on this.

The irony is pretty fucking high when the “scumbag”who actively fights to keep fighter pay low calls journalists scumbags who question his actions in fucking fighters over. I also love that the bloated, fake tough guy from Boston, who tries to fuck every ring card girl and who serially cheats on his wife with prostitutes and strippers, tries play the morality card by questioning the ethics of reporters who call him out on his bullshit.


No surprise faggot burgos spinning it his way

The irony is he is the same journalist that got called out and busted writing an inaccurate hit piece on fighter pay about a week ago

“This is in comparison to the NFL, NBA, and MLB, where athletes earn 50% or more of those leagues’ incomes”

Does anyone actually believe this shit? What do you mean league’s incomes? Do you mean the combined income of more than 40 franchises that comprise those three leagues and that in turn pay the players?

Did you calculate that combined income? Or where did you get 50% from?

You better delete this article like your last one homie cause you a hack and full of shit

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The media are scumbags, but fighter pay sucks as well.

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It’s in publicly available documents dummy.


Show me the references and the numbers. Show me even one franchise as an example cause I’m yet to see an actual cash flow statement or balance sheet for one of them or the ufc.

That’s the problem here. Not that fighters shouldn’t be paid more. They should. Problem is faggots like you spinning misinformation to suit an anti ufc narrative

Welcome back Cindy

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Clause 3 Article VII of the NBA’s collective bargaining agreement dummy:


It’s a weird vibe to care about another man’s pay.

No UFC fighter is going to show up at Arby’s and demand you get paid more.

Wokeism has somehow infested all of sports reporting and is rampant here on MMA.com