Dana White calls media scumbags for questioning fighter pay

It’s as if you and Dana have no idea how journalism works.

Limmy’s Show!!!

Plenty of these articles present data and compelling arguments; it’s called investigative journalism.

Calling people names because you disagree with them is what children do. Carry on, kids.



This this. End of conversation

Or perhaps I realize it’s not my job to educate you.

The Ultimate Fighter Ok GIF by UFC

It’s obvious that many mma fans like yourself hate journalists as a class and that just carries over to mma

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I’m not aware of any lies, and if there are any, that’s bullshit.

I’m actually against most mainstream news media, but I still think a reporter has the right to ask an independent contractor about these types of issues.

People also have to understand that the UFC is the peak of MMA. Most fighters claw their way through the regionals in hope of getting signed by them. Once there - and a few fights down the line - I doubt a fighter will feel completely comfortable bitching about their pay publicly, in fear of repercussions. From the UFC, there’s only one direction, and that downwards.

I get that not every fighter deserves to be compensated on a Conor/Ronda/Chuck level, but likewise, some incredibly talented fighters leave the sport financially broke and physically broken.

Some people can shrug and say ‘who cares - it’s their choice’, but I think they deserve to be financially comfortable in their retirement given what they put on the line.



Tell me accountant genius, what information will you ascertain from the cash flow statement? Or the balance sheet for that matter?

You didn’t even name the most useful statement when the split is based off REVENUE.

Well generally it should work like they cover the sport.

not cry about fake racism and woke stupidity and advocate to destroy the sport with ali act and fighter unions and shit.

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You’re right. I only believe what President Trump says.

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You mean they shouldn’t be allowed to cover the UFC using a facet of journalism other than sports journalism? LOL.

You just proved my point correct. You have no idea how journalism works.

Yeah, that proves that fighters need transparency and a union. The fighters have contracts that pay them a small amount, but Egg has complete control over all the arbitrary “bonuses” that make an MMA career pay the bills. That is bullshit. Fighter pay should not be based on toeing the line and not making waves, it should be based on winning fights.

BLAF saying “ask him what he makes” is like an abusive husband saying to the cops “I didn’t hit her, just ask her”. In both situations, honesty will be met with punishment after the cops/reporters are gone.

Dana is an abusive husband because he pays guys millions of dollars


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Actually, fighter pay is about getting people to buy PPVs or tune in to free cards. If you bring fans to the table you get paid biggly, if you dont you dont.

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