Would you be down to dabble in Dr. Rogan’s prescribed way to be 'rona free in 5 days?
Afford what?
Monoclonal antibody treatment is typically not out of pocket. NAD drip isn’t pricey.
What’s there to afford?
Oh, don’t forget about the covid vaccination you had prior to being infected.
He was fully vaccinated but yet still lost all sense of taste and smell. Funny how the vax did nothing to combat that
J Burgos - where you at? If you’re going to post your opinion at least back it up.
Lol I love that everyone is trolling the media and calling him Dr.Rogan. Rogers was doing the same thing on pat McAfees show.
Sounds risky. I’d rather take the more traditional respirator route.
Funny you highlight one of the absolutely least harmful effects of the virus.
I would definitely do it. As a matter of fact, I screenshot the recipe in case I ever get the Rona (despite being vax’d)
Where could I get the NAD drip?
I don’t see him say afford anywhere btw lol
It was edited.
Crazy enough my buddy also got vaxed like Dana, and also got Covid like Dana, and recovered in 2 days without the Rogan method.
Maybe I’m crazy, but it’s possible that the vax cuts down on the severity and length of illness all on its own without the unnecessary stuff? Just maybe
Not possible at all, how dim are you, it’s quite clear the vaccine made by world renowned scientists does nothing and Joe Rogan taking the advice of some YouTuber is the real answer and cure to a worldwide pandemic
Never go full retard…
In for jimmies rustling.
I’m thinking of ordering a tube of the stuff on Amazon. It’s 15 dollars. It is the horse and cattle Ivermectin. Apple flavor.
I don’t know how much to take. I also don’t know if it’s to prevent Covid or cure it.
I’ve heard from a lot of sources that it works and that it’s the same stuff doctors give out in pill form for people. Ivermectin is Ivermectin is Ivermectin. I watched a video of a doctor on YouTube explaining it a long time ago. I do think I remember him saying it was safe and damn near impossible to overdose on it. He had the same brand I see on Amazon. White and yellow box with the horse on it.
I’m really not worried about Covid but maybe it would be smart to buy a tube just to keep in my medicine cabinet.
Just wait till Sanjay Gupta burns Dana on CNN!
Sense of taste is extremely important to me
He’s a fuckin turd
Don’t forget to get your 47th vax.