Dana White: football is the least talented sport on earth

Weird argument to make if you don’t understand the sport. Surely MMA would seem like the least talented between them from the outside too :rofl::joy:

Soccer is the “world’s sport” because it’s a harmless sissy competition that literally anyone can play. Small children in the poorest shithole country on the planet can find an item to kick around and make a game out of, and you’re guaranteed that nobody will get seriously injured.

Does that mean it’s a good sport? Visually entertaining? Worthy of more than a passing glance? Fuck no. It’s a terrible sport. Boring and weak and full of people with no shame or dignity. There are endless options of more entertaining activities that would occupy your time better.

People who like soccer can’t even make a compelling argument for it. There’s argumentum ad populum and….that’s it.


My boy plays soccer and I still agree with this

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It’s boring as fuck.

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Dana is just mad the UFC makes chump change compared to futbol


You’re not wrong

Dana is a clown soccer is the most popular sport in the WORLD…If only ufc top fighters got paid 1/64 th of what soccer players do…


Here babies. Educate yourselves.

Dana is correct.

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Dana is a retard


This another bold fuck would win Dana in 100m dash

I don’t like soccer much and the culture sucks, but the idea those guys aren’t insanely talented at what they do and some of the best athletes in the world is fucking absurd and makes dana sound like a retard inbred stereotype.

Just because I don’t like something doesn’t mean I’m going to deny how hard it is to do. I can’t kick a ball like that.